Let's talk supplements...

rolandhulme Posts: 148 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
Is anybody else taking any form of supplements?

I drink a Whey Protein shake every morning as breakfast, and when I work out I take Jack3D beforehand. I also tried Gaspari Pre-Contest Size-On for a while.

I noticed I gained 20lbs of muscle in just 4 weeks on the Gaspari - also noticed my libido shot up, I started to get acne on my back and was a bit more aggressive. In the end I quit because I ran out and it's like $60 for a month's supply - I don't want to spend that much!

The Jack3D is GREAT for getting the most out my workouts, and I feel energised for the rest of the day.


  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Not sure if these qualify as supplements, but I take flax seed oil (for quicker muscle recovery, and overall general health benefits) as well as a GNC multivitamin for active women...

    Not sure what my muscle mass is, but I definitely feel myself getting more toned. I consume a lot of protein. :-)
  • arsenal45
    arsenal45 Posts: 211 Member
    I drink 52 gr of whey protein 5 days a week, with and additional 30 gr on days I lift. Not really supplements, but I take a multivitamin, 2000 mg of Omega 3 Fish Oil, and a super shot of 2000 mg of vitamin C every day. I took Methyl Ripped Hardcore by NX Labs for a while but it made me jittery, aggressive, and gave me a painful metallic headache. Plus, after a while of taking it, I just wasn't losing anymore weight. It was a real bear getting off of it. I was exhausted constantly and could fall asleep standing up.
    THEPHANTOM Posts: 6 Member
    Currently, I'm taking Whey Protein for breakfast, and a mid day snack. Preworkout-Shotgun, and post work-synthesize. Found this works great! Next month I'm trying something a lil different... Whey Protein isolate as breakfast and mid day meal. jacked3d for preworkout, and I'll be using a hydrowhey preotein for my postwork out. It's a highly concentrated protein that absorbs very quickly. then before I go to bed Casseine protein, which absorbs very slowly so I'll constantly be fed for muscle recovery while i'm sleeping, also slow enough to keep my insulin levels low so I don't pack on weight over night.
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