Oh good, I'm not the only one who needs to vent!



  • SkFarmMom
    SkFarmMom Posts: 46 Member
    LOL I love how everyone is flipping out over the castration thing, while I immediately assumed you were a vet/vet tech or worked on a farm. As a city kid who seriously considered veterinary school and spent a lot of time in animal shelters, I know how simple a procedure that really is.

    I've been literally bursting out laughing at the responses...it really is pretty quick, and we actually ring the calves and lambs so it's only pigs that I do surgically (we take the horses and dogs in).

    I'm starting to wonder if perhaps people don't realize that intact mature males can be extremely dangerous and don't make for good eating, so pretty much every male mammal in the north american food chain is castrated, either within days of birth or before it reaches sexual maturity. (This Rural-Urban Education moment of the day brought to you by: ...)
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    some are flipping out about the castration....others....about the.....um....manic nature in which the post smacks us in the face
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Ignoring the castration bit (an yes, I assumed you worked on a farm but dropping that into a post complaining about your husband is a little ...off), let me understand... Your husband passive aggressively discourages weight loss, has little sympathy of his injured child, AND insults you by saying your butt is too big? Does that about sum it up?

    I'd suggest some serious conversations and/or possibly marriage counseling.
  • SkFarmMom
    SkFarmMom Posts: 46 Member
    Ignoring the castration bit (an yes, I assumed you worked on a farm but dropping that into a post complaining about your husband is a little ...off), let me understand... Your husband passive aggressively discourages weight loss, has little sympathy of his injured child, AND insults you by saying your butt is too big? Does that about sum it up?

    I'd suggest some serious conversations and/or possibly marriage counseling.

    Bearing in mind that my post was a rant about frustrations and laced with my personal (admittedly warped) sense of humor, perhaps I should put my Hubby's character and our relational dynamic in perspective, because while the statements
    Your husband passive aggressively discourages weight loss, has little sympathy of his injured child, AND insults you by saying your butt is too big?
    are true, they certainly don't sum it up and it isn't an accurate representation of our relationship...just a blip in my morning and a handful of moments sprinkled through 12+ happy years together. My Hubby is the type of Dad that get's down on the floor and plays with his kids daily. He snuggles them daily. Prays with them daily. Teaches them daily. He can be lacking in sympathy, but he's also extremely caring, tender and protective and if he thinks they're really hurt he goes to them at a run (our son recovered from the ball hit quickly and didn't get so much as a bruise). He has undermined my efforts to lose weight, but as soon as I figured out how to express why it was so important to me, he came around. This is also the man who backed me 100% when I wanted to purchase, renovate, start up and operate my own restaurant. He even came and covered the front while I was busy working in the back...hardly some un-supportive jerk. And yes...he did imply my butt was...enormous...but he was also pretty quick to apologize, and insulting me is not his standard behavior. (Which is probably why I took such strong offence to it...I'm not used to him saying things like that...quite the opposite.) The whole castration thing is a peek into our relationship...we joke around constantly...he lovingly calls me a "battleaxe" and I lovingly call him a "stubborn old mule"...he jokes about selling my horses and I joke about selling his cows...or that I keep him in line with a 13" cast iron skillet...the fact that our relationship has so little real frustration in it (and no abuse) lets us joke in ways that wouldn't be humorous in a less healthy relationship...though I realize how it could be a little confusing or off-putting to someone who doesn't know the bigger picture. One of our friends actually asked if we were serious when we talked about beating each other up...or my "threats" to feed him "crushed glass and castor beans"...a long running inside joke...no...we're not serious. If it were, I wouldn't joke about it.
  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    Ignoring the castration bit (an yes, I assumed you worked on a farm but dropping that into a post complaining about your husband is a little ...off), let me understand... Your husband passive aggressively discourages weight loss, has little sympathy of his injured child, AND insults you by saying your butt is too big? Does that about sum it up?

    I'd suggest some serious conversations and/or possibly marriage counseling.

    Bearing in mind that my post was a rant about frustrations and laced with my personal (admittedly warped) sense of humor, perhaps I should put my Hubby's character and our relational dynamic in perspective, because while the statements
    Your husband passive aggressively discourages weight loss, has little sympathy of his injured child, AND insults you by saying your butt is too big?
    are true, they certainly don't sum it up and it isn't an accurate representation of our relationship...just a blip in my morning and a handful of moments sprinkled through 12+ happy years together. My Hubby is the type of Dad that get's down on the floor and plays with his kids daily. He snuggles them daily. Prays with them daily. Teaches them daily. He can be lacking in sympathy, but he's also extremely caring, tender and protective and if he thinks they're really hurt he goes to them at a run (our son recovered from the ball hit quickly and didn't get so much as a bruise). He has undermined my efforts to lose weight, but as soon as I figured out how to express why it was so important to me, he came around. This is also the man who backed me 100% when I wanted to purchase, renovate, start up and operate my own restaurant. He even came and covered the front while I was busy working in the back...hardly some un-supportive jerk. And yes...he did imply my butt was...enormous...but he was also pretty quick to apologize, and insulting me is not his standard behavior. (Which is probably why I took such strong offence to it...I'm not used to him saying things like that...quite the opposite.) The whole castration thing is a peek into our relationship...we joke around constantly...he lovingly calls me a "battleaxe" and I lovingly call him a "stubborn old mule"...he jokes about selling my horses and I joke about selling his cows...or that I keep him in line with a 13" cast iron skillet...the fact that our relationship has so little real frustration in it (and no abuse) lets us joke in ways that wouldn't be humorous in a less healthy relationship...though I realize how it could be a little confusing or off-putting to someone who doesn't know the bigger picture. One of our friends actually asked if we were serious when we talked about beating each other up...or my "threats" to feed him "crushed glass and castor beans"...a long running inside joke...no...we're not serious. If it were, I wouldn't joke about it.

    It disturbs me that I can relate to you on such a level as this. Lol. I was an acreage kid, so I get the castration parts of this. My fiance would never joke about my body like that because he knows I'm too sensitive about it, but threatening him jokingly with a frying pan is something I've done from time to time... as well as some of the other rather disturbing jokes. He makes sexist jokes all the time that I think are funny because it's so out of character from who he truly is. I totally get you.
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    OP, I can totally relate to you! Hubby and I have a very similar, sarcastic relationship and your vent sounds like it could have come from me in our over 12 years of marriage (minus the castration part).

    He grew up a country boy and worked on his brother's farm for years. I grew up in the city but love the country life, and I got a great chuckle from your post as it was so relatable!
  • Myfitfutureself
    Myfitfutureself Posts: 34 Member
    So I've been trying for YEARS to get in better shape, but my Hubby keeps (unintentionally) undermining my efforts...like the time I got into karate (and REALLY enjoyed it)...but he kept having things he wanted to do on Tuesday evenings at 7 and eventually I just dropped it... :-P ...or I'd try to improve my eating habits (ie, regular meals instead of skipping, increasing veggies/etc) and suddenly he felt we should be having ice cream every evening for a month...or the times I really wanted to get a gym membership, but it was too expensive or inconvenient or not safe enough for me to go alone (bearing in mind that I'm 5'9" 200+Lbs, castrate animals for fun and know how to handle a 30-06, a 12 gauge and a 13" cast iron skillet ;)

    So I joined MFP 5 days ago and have been stepping up my activity and drastically overhauling my eating (for the better...I used to skip meals like crazy and now I'm forcing myself to get my recommended intake and I'm already feeling better/more energy. Well after months of telling me I "look just fine" this morning we got in a little scrap...he was throwing a baseball with our son, who missed the catch, caught it in the eye, took off running in tears. Hubby made some comment about it not being a big deal because the ball had a rubber core, not a real hardball...I told him to "kiss my bum" (not a euphemism...I don't swear, but I was REALLY annoyed)...he decided to pick that particular moment to impress upon me that my derriere was so large "it would take all day"...did I mention I castrate animals for fun?? After 4 days of wanting to chew his arms off from hunger (who knew upping your intake could actually make you feel hungrier) I felt like chewing them off and beating him with them.

    Anyway...that's my rant for the day! I feel better now. ;) Time to get on with my day, going to take my size 14 backside on a little bike ride.

  • Jlennhikes
    Jlennhikes Posts: 290 Member
    I don't get why people are being testy (unintentional pun) about your post, and I highly recommend paragraphs.

    Seems like you see that getting it together with diet and exercise will be self-motivated and you can choose to ignore your husband's attempts to keep things the same. It's pretty natural for people to resist a change in their normal routine.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    Truly bizarre post. On many levels.

  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    Just tell him like it is! You are getting yourself into shape to be healthy, and if he doesn't like it then that's his problem to work through. Sounds like he is afraid of you getting thinner, and no man should ever talk like that to his partner. No woman should do that to their partner either. Personal attacks of that nature "Well YOU'RE fat!" are asinine and immature.
  • SkFarmMom
    SkFarmMom Posts: 46 Member
    Just tell him like it is! You are getting yourself into shape to be healthy, and if he doesn't like it then that's his problem to work through.

    I'd consider that an option if we were just dating, and not married...but the reality is that the decisions I make are going to directly impact him, so it's only respectful to take his feelings and concerns into account and serious consideration, in the same way I appreciate him taking my views into account when he's making decisions that affect me.

    Maybe it's something that's lost in rural/urban perspectives but for me to commit to a gym membership isn't just a matter of running across town, or going there on the way to work or school or whatever. It means I take our only vehicle (the truck he also uses for transporting livestock, hauling feed, fixing fences, getting parts, etc.) 20+ miles, to the nearest town, leaving him unable to have access to it for a minimum of 2hrs at least 3x/week...which might not seem like a big deal, unless you consider that if the baler breaks and I have the truck, 2 hours can be the difference between getting fixed and rolling, or getting rained out and losing part of the winter feed supply. It also means the added expense of running a 1 ton 4x4 diesel truck for an otherwise unnecessary trip to town...adding a minimum of $200/month in fuel costs (before tacking on the cost of a membership...) It also means me being gone at least 6 hrs a week....which is nothing, unless you consider that we rely on each other's help to pull calves when a cow is having trouble, or when a fence is down, or a piece of equipment breaks and one person needs to hold up some random, heavy, in the way piece of steel that's blocking the other person (who's usually bent in some awkward and uncomfortable position, halfway under and half inside said equipment) from accessing the one seized bolt that needs to be changed...(if you've never been up in the junk of a combine or baler you can't understand the teamwork that's required.)

    Don't get me wrong, I have reached the point where I'm GOING to get in better shape no matter how much ice cream he eats or whatever...and for the most part, he's on board...he even bought me a new bike for my birthday because he knew how much I enjoyed it last year (using his very old and not entirely functioning one)...But the thing I love most about being married is that it isn't about me doing my thing and him doing his thing and "we'll all just get along if we don't get in each other's way"...If I wanted that I could have stayed single...marriage is two lives intertwined...maybe living on a farm makes a person more aware of it, because there are some things that are just exponentially more difficult and dangerous if you try to do them alone, but when working as a team they can be easy, even enjoyable.

    And all that said I don't feel like his resistance is because it will inconvenience him, but rather because he worries about my safety (which I find admirable, but have a hard time with because I'm hardly some doe-eyed, timid flower...what I was trying to convey with my gun toting, castrating, skillet wielding woman comment...I might be flabby, but I'm far from weak, vulnerable or easily intimidated...if I was I wouldn't spend my days working with 1000 Lb+ animals.)

    I also suspect, whether he realizes it or not, that after 12+ years of chasing dreams together, he worries about me casing dreams where he can't follow. We've spent our entire relationship working together to make our goals come to fruition...from being town-raised, city dwellers, to starting a family and moving 1000+km onto a farm (first time for both of us), buying cattle and horses, sheep, pigs, 600 chickens, turkey's and layers, and learning to milk cows, pull calves, hay and seed and combine and bale...we've done it all side by side. When I wanted to go into the restaurant, we worked on it together too...but this is one thing he can't do with me...in his "younger days" (before we met) he used to hit the gym all the time, but in the past 11 years he's broken his back (with permanent issues from it), torn his rotator cuff (he was SUPPOSED to go for surgery last fall...) and his knees are giving him grief. He pushes his body to keep the farm going, but there's no way he's going to be hitting the gym with me. I suspect that's very difficult for him...for the first time in our relationship I'm pursuing a dream that he can't really be involved in...and that has to be hard. And I may need to be a bit more sensitive to that fact...

    Anyway, this has turned into a WAY more serious conversation than I anticipated...but it's been fun. Thanks for the laughs and I look forward to getting to know you guys more over the coming months (glad to see I'm not the only farm girl on here). I promise I'll try to keep my "castration" jokes to a minimum... ;) Time for me and the family to head off to a heavy horse field day to watch some Clydes, Percherons and Belgians break ground. WooHoo! :D Happy Saturday Everyone!
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    He probably felt really bad for hitting his kid with the ball and did the usual man thing of trying to make a joke/excuse out of it. Don't call him out for that, I'm sure he felt bad enough. Also, never get in a way of a man and his sports, it usually ends in him making insults.