Coffee: Iced or Hot??



  • Sinful_moon
    Sinful_moon Posts: 140 Member
    Both are tasty, but I'd have to go with hot for my caffeine fix!
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    Tall, hot, strong and a little sweet.

    Coffee/men interchangeable.
  • vasairiah
    vasairiah Posts: 5,187 Member
    I'm a coffee snob. There... I said it. I like good coffee, not folgers or some other generic cr@p like that.

    Ideally it would be brewed with a French press or from Starbucks. There's something about French press coffee that makes it taste that much better.

    I prefer hot, but can do iced in the afternoon. My latest Keurig addiction is Revv or Timothy's German chocolate cake.

    I have given up creamer so drink mine black now. Previously it was with unflavored creamer, no sugar.
  • CelticWanderer
    CelticWanderer Posts: 227 Member
    Hot and strong ... with hazelnut creamer
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    I don't care as long as I can drink it. Iced is better for a quick fix. But hot coffee is more relaxing to me.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Iced coffee has to be sweetened and with cream, and I generally don't like my coffee sweet. I prefer hot coffee either black or just a bit of cream. I'm not a coffee snob but I know enough about to recognize if it is good quality or not.
  • uggins311
    uggins311 Posts: 2,204 Member
    I don't care as long as I can drink it. Iced is better for a quick fix. But hot coffee is more relaxing to me.

    That would be the correct answer.