Can't seem to lose the last 10lbs of body fat!?

So I am doing EVERYTHING right.
I am doing Pilates and cardio 30 mins each 6 X per week.
For cardio I do jump rope, jumping jacks, Zumba or kickboxing.
I usually input my exercise as 200 calories- a perfectly reasonable number so I am SURE I am not overestimating exercise calories.

I am eating NET 1250 calories per day of completely clean foods (with the occasional treat/ cheat meal once or twice per week)
My meals usually consist of:
1. Fat free natural Greek yoghurt, muesli
2. Banana (sometimes with chia seeds)
3. 200g chicken breast, 1 medium sweet potato (180-200g)
4. Apple or 2 eggs
5. 180g tuna, 200g capsicum, 1 cucumber, balsamic vinegar and spinach

I drink about 3 L water per day but for some reason just CANT seem to shift weight!
I lost weight quickly in the first few weeks, but have since gained weight and seem unable to lose body fat!

Any suggestions?
I don't think it's TTOM for a while either, maybe a week or so- could this have something to do with it?


  • AdreaC
    AdreaC Posts: 34 Member
    I'd try a different exercise routine. You can get "muscle memory" which is when your body gets used to your exercise so it actually burns less calories doing it because it is so routine.
    Try doing something totally different to "confuse" your muscles to increase the amount of calories you burn. It's likely that since you are doing the same exercises you are not creating the calorie deficiet you think you are.

    Good Luck!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    How long since you have stopped losing?

    If less than 4-6 weeks...weight loss is not linear...just give it time

    If more than 4-6 weeks you are miscalculating your intake or output and have been at maintenance.

    Changing up your exercise does nothing for weight loss exercise is about fitness and health.
  • wolfie640
    wolfie640 Posts: 49 Member
    I'd try a different exercise routine. You can get "muscle memory" which is when your body gets used to your exercise so it actually burns less calories doing it because it is so routine.
    Try doing something totally different to "confuse" your muscles to increase the amount of calories you burn. It's likely that since you are doing the same exercises you are not creating the calorie deficiet you think you are.

    Good Luck!

    This , great advice .
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    Are you eating enough, the fast weight loss in the first few weeks could have been water/glycogen and now your body is storing fat because it doesn't have sufficient glycogen levels to be able to fuel the muscles properly??

    Have you tried increasing you calories by a couple of hundred for a couple of weeks (I would expect a weight increase initially whilst the muscles build up glycogen stores again but then weight loss would follow as your body would use the fat stores for fuel as it's getting enough fuel to do what you want).

    ETA: Why are you eating 1250 calories a day, where did you come up with that number?? Please bear in mind that 1200 calories is the default minimum on MFP and is default when you say you want to lose 2lb or more a week, try calculating your TDEE and use the extra calories.
  • andylowry
    andylowry Posts: 89
    I guess I'd have to see your diary to have any ideas. Those cheat meals might have something to do with it, but it's hard to know without seeing what everything is.
  • elbaldwin0525
    elbaldwin0525 Posts: 159 Member
    My suggestion is you dont try losing that 10 extra lbs but instead build muscle to fill up the fatty areas. Increase calories to at least 1500 if you use my suggestion
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    As already mentioned, if you have only stalled for a few weeks, don't stress.

    If it's longer you're overestimating your calorie burn and/or underestimating your calorie intake. Make sure you log everything accurately, log all condiments, sauces, cooking oil, drinks. Weigh everything, including fruit, veg and 'clean' food. Too many people make the mistake of not weighing foods like fruit, thinking it's fine because it's healthy. Remember all food has calories - slight miscalculations make a difference.

    The last few pounds are always the hardest. Try adding strength training into your routine - if you do, be prepared for the weight to stay the same or increase though. Muscle is denser than fat. If you do start lifting, use other methods to assess progress - pictures, measurements, BF%. etc. It all depends on your goals and the sort of body you want. Some hammer the cardio and become 'skinny fat'. Those who lift will become more toned, and (arguably) look healthier IMO.
  • MichelleSutherland
    MichelleSutherland Posts: 1 Member
    Changing up your routine will not do anything other than give your brain something different to do, but I notice you do no strength training? I would suggest adding in some weight routines in addition to your cardio, (I do a half hour weights session at home in the morning while my lo is not in school and go for a 5-10k run in the evening when they are all in bed) do not worry, this will not make you look huge (you would need to put a lot of hours work in to do that) but more muscle means your body needs to burn more fuel to maintain them....also remember that the nearer to your target weight the slower it is...... maybe you are under estimating your calorie burn and there for not eating back the right amount of calories so your body is using your muscle to fuel your workouts rather than your fat (sadly our bodies see muscle as a liability and fat as a survival mass)....don't be disheartened. A really interesting couple of books Ive read lately might be worth a look: Thinner, Leaner, Stronger by Michael Matthews and Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto.....hope this all helps and good luck x
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    I agree with the poster that said to switch up your exercise routine. Try some strength training and HIIT.

    I have had success lowering my BF% by doing a variety of Jillian DVD's and strength training. Her workouts are really good at mixing cardio with weights. You can use heavier weights depending on what exercise you are doing at the time. After I complete the DVD I usually do some lifting with free weights as well.

    Good luck! You look great!! :smile:
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    I would suggest cardio and weight exercise, like 30DS from Jillian.
    Looks like the "confusion" is good for your system, thats why she has 3 Levels each 10 Days.
    Everyone says that the last 10lbs are the worst, so change your rotine, and do weights even is they are only 2or 3lbs, it will make a difference.
