Running newb needs Tips

Hello all! I have the department of corrections fitness test June 11th and one thing I have to do is run 1.50 miles in 18:16. I'm currently doing it in 20:51 (20:17 my best time) I've read and watched countless running tips. I've been running for weeks the wrong distance, unfortunately, and even with daily runs I just am not seeing improvement. What can I do to get more stamina and speed?


  • KhatLady
    KhatLady Posts: 51 Member
    Are you doing intervals? That's really been helping with my speed, endurance and breath. What I do is take a C25k app and keep cycling through the first week where it's 1min run/1.5min recovery. I started at about 3.5mph recovery and run at 4.5mph. These numbers were comfortable for me - the recovery wasn't too easy and the run was hard but not enough to leave me panting and tripping over myself through the entire recovery. I also run the "cooldown" at the median speed {about 4mph to start} and do my own cooldown after. The next week, I do it again, raising the speed by 0.1-0.3 mph. It's barely noticeable to me from a "kicking my butt" standpoint, but it's been steady progress. After a month and a half, my "recovery" is faster than my original "haulin' *kitten*" speed and I feel good about how I'm progressing.

    Some other things that may help - I do gentle yoga after my runs. It helps with the stretching and with the strength in my core, which has made my running posture and breathing easier to control. I also don't run every day, I alternate with strength training to give my legs a rest so I don't get shin splints or other running injuries from overdoing it. But I run more than double what you are, so daily might not be as much a problem for you.

    I'm sure there's more knowledgeable people out there that can give you more or better options, but that's my limited experience.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Run further.
    Run faster.
    Run up hills.
    Mix it up.