Whole Wheat Pasta



  • DeepSeaDoc_Wife
    DeepSeaDoc_Wife Posts: 112 Member
    It all comes down to simple and complex carbs. Regular pasta is a simple and whole grain is complex btw. Complex carbohydrates or starch are simply sugars bonded together to form a chain. digestive enzymes have to work much harder to access the bonds to break the chain into individual sugars for absorption through the intestines.
    For this reason digestion of complex carbohydrates takes longer. The slow absorption of sugars provides us with a steady supply of energy and limits the amount of sugar converted into fat and stored! It also helps you feel fuller longer and and grains contain phytochemicals!!! Which is a good thing.

    Simple carbs are digested quickly because the individual sugars are ready to be absorbed immediately plus digestive enzymes have easy access to the bonds in the paired molecules. You could say most of the work has been done!
    Their rapid absorption increases the chances of sugar converting to fat but only if there is an abundance of energy absorbed. Foods like cake, pastry, biscuits, chocolate and too much table sugar to name a few contain lots of "empty" calories. Because our cells usually do not require that amount of energy at that time, the sugar must either be converted to glycogen ( sugar storage within cells ) or converted to fat. The cell can only store a limited amount of glycogen so in many cases simple carbohydrate loaded foods may contribute to body fat store!
  • DeepSeaDoc_Wife
    DeepSeaDoc_Wife Posts: 112 Member


    Pay attention to the ingredients list. If you can not pronounce have the stuff on there then it is bad! The first ingredient listed is the most abundant and should be a whole grain if it isn't there then it's refined.fyi. So if you do happen to eat a whole grain anything make sure it says so on the ingredients list.

    back to pasta...

    Truth be told, some 100% whole-grain pastas are more than a tad gritty. Try the wrong brand and you may never try another.

    That's why you want to start with Whole Foods 365 Organic Whole Wheat Elbows, Fusilli, Linguine, Penne, Shells, or Spaghetti. You can barely tell them apart from refined pasta. And 365 is Whole Foods' store brand, so you won't need a loan to pay for it.

    If Whole Foods isn't on your shopping route, try Barilla Whole Grain pasta. While it's only 51 percent whole grain, at least the label says so. The Linguine, Medium Shells, Penne, Rotini, Spaghetti, and Thin Spaghetti are all dead ringers for refined pasta. Bionaturae 100% Whole Wheat Spaghetti is another winner. Look for it in your supermarket's health food aisle.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Yes, the Barilla brand is what we purchase most of the time.
  • Yes, the Barilla brand is what we purchase most of the time.

    Barilla has a whole wheat plus brand that is excellent. It has additional Omega3 as well as additional fiber.
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