Back again...

I originally joined My Fitness Pal in June of 2012. Even though I joined in 2012, I didn't use it at all. I was 27 pounds heavier than I am now so at least I made some progress. My daughter recently joined and loves MFP. She has lost 20 in a short amount of time and is very motivated. I think her excitement and motivation is encouraging me to get in shape!
I am hoping to learn how to use this ap. I am looking for friends for mutual support.
Exercise is not much of an option for me as I have back and hip issues that have rendered me disabled. I am taking a Tai Chi Easy class once a week.


  • MommaRainbow
    MommaRainbow Posts: 5 Member
    I generally only get on here to log my food. I wanted to tell you that I joined back in June 2012 also. Within less than a year I had lost 70 pound without exercise by staying within the calorie goal MFP had set. Yes, there were days in the beginning I thought can't do this. I know I can and I try to plan my meals each morning so I don't get caught short in calories. But when Thanksgiving started the year end holidays in 2013 I decided to go back to eating like I use to and now I am back to a loss of 47 pounds. So you can lose without exercising if you stay within your calories. So I too am back to counting.

    I can tell you that by the time the next meal rolls around I do have that hunger bug in my belly. My favorite carry over for the work day is kettle pop corn.

    I wish you well in your journey. My motto....One day at a time and tomorrow is a new day.