How do you stay motivated

I am having a real problem with my motivation I catch myself saying I will do it later or I will do it tomorrow, but if I don't do it when I get up I end up not doing it at all.

What are some things you to keep yourself going. I am starting the C25K program but can't seem to get my butt in gear

Tell my what yall do.


  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    I buy an issue of Vogue, Running World or Self magazine, cut out all the skinny girls pictures and tape it everywhere I can: walls, bathroom, fridge.

    I look at them and myself in the mirror and BAMM, I am disgusted. Usually makes me put on some running shoes and get out there for a jog.
  • steppann
    I set my work outs around a schedule where someone I know ( I do my children) can witness me doing it. For instance. My children know that the hour they are up getting ready for school mom is going to be on the elliptical. This is the norm for them so if I didnt get up and get on the elliptical while they are getting ready around me they would want to know why, and honestly I want my kids to be proud of me and dont want to tell them I just dont feel like it today or some lame excuse. I figure it is a time I have to be up anyways so I can over see the kids getting ready, I cant have any plans before they leave for school so there is never a good reason to not do it. Before i had the elliptical I would go put my elementary aged child on the bus at 7 and walk until my middle school aged childs bus picked her up an hour later. My middle schooler liked this because she would get up extra early to get ready for school so she could walk with me.
    Good Luck. Find what works for you. This is honeslty my first time really sticking to something without cheating or cutting my times short. I was super good at making excuses to myself why giving up was the best option.
  • jdeesans
    You need to just do it. I am like that also, say I'll start Monday, get busy, forget, then don't have time til I can read or set goals again and in the end, ya just gotta start. We all know the "rules" and we know what we are supposed to do, and we just have to decide right now-- I am gonna do it. If in 15 minutes (or whatever) I want to quit I can, but just do it now for xx amount of time. You decide how long you want to be started exercising before you say ok today I can't tomorrow I will try again, food wise, a time limit of if you still really want something to just have it. Sometimes you forget or remember later and don't want.
    It is really not motivation, it is just doing it as often as you can and if you fail, you fail for that moment and then you are at it again.
    I have been working on this since September 1. it is changing my mindset. Don't be too hard on yourself. This website is a great one.
  • alska
    alska Posts: 299 Member
    i would really love to hear more .. i start off so good but then i stop .. lose motivation .. i stop for months and start all over again :( its hard cuz i really don't have support or anything offline.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Make if fun and don't beat yourself up if you fall off track just get back on track. One of the things you have to learn is to forgive yourself. One bad day is not going to set you back it might actually jump start your weight loss. Also take your measurements so sometimes you will see the loss there more then you will on the scale.

    If you decided to do the c25k sign up for a 5k then you have that as a goal.
  • jdeesans
    mini goals are good. I went on the Dr. Oz website and got the "just 10" bracelet, to remind myself to lose 10 pounds is good for our body also. It is not as overwhelming either. I don't talk to people outside of this site or th e website. Not a big "talk about self problems" person. The websites are nice cause that is what we are all here for, support, ideas and encouragement. I do think for me it was just to say it NOW. try it reason why Monday is a good day, everyday is a good day to start. Enjoy the journey, it is tough but you do feel so much better. I love feeling strong and capable of things.
    Hang in there and start fresh at any time, progress not perfection is what the other site says and it is true!
  • AmandaR910
    I set lots of small goals and challenges so that every few days I've accomplished something.
  • BMW6Series
    I am doing my best to eat right. When I eat the wrong stuff, I suffer and I need to remember that. I am enjoying losing the weight and feeling better.