Morning , Afternoon or Night

I was wondering if there is a certain time in the day to work out to get the best weight loss results. I tend to work out more in the evening sometimes later at night because of my work schedule.


  • ariellespiller
    I think the earlier you can increase your heart rate, the better. After you work out, your increased heart rate causes you to burn way more calories just doing the normal things you do. So if you can do it earlier, then you'll benefit from extra calorie burn for the next couple hours. My friend just got a heart rate monitor, and she reported a huge difference on the days she worked out before work.
  • havfaith
    I workout the first thing in the morning before I do or go wnywhere. If I don't and wait then I never get my workout in.
  • toberlili
    if you are gaining and toning muscle, then it actually helps burn fat not only through the day, its not so much what time you do as much as what you do, that includes the meal and water intake. good luck :)
  • bstage
    bstage Posts: 4
    If you work out in AM you raise your metabolism for the whole day. If Lift in the AM then your body will burn ALOT of calories for the rest of the day. If you go for a run first thing in the morning before breakfast then your body has no food to use for fuel to run on so it will burn fat for your energy. YAY! But be sure to eat within an hour of waking to kick start your metabolism. Its Science. Good Luck.