Help :) weight training and cals



  • Sweet_Pea4
    Sweet_Pea4 Posts: 447 Member
    Thanks very much :) I'll change it then to 1,800 and see how I go. Thanks :)
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    Very interesting reading, this is a predicament I find myself in right now and its made a lot of things make sense.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey :)

    Really need some help. I want to start weight training. I found a 12 week programme to follow at the gym on for beginners which looks really good. But I'm confused with the cals and macros and how much I should consume. Basically nod the programme it's saying 30 mins cardio and around 30 mins of weight training with three days off a week.

    So I should I consume a different amount of cals on my days off??

    Also ideally I would like to loose weight as I'm not at goal yet. I'm 159lbs and would like to be 140lbs. I'm 5ft7.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :)

    I wont go into detail as another poster did.

    Instead of finding some random program online that may or may not be a good one try one of the tried, tested and true programs out there.

    Stronglifts 5x5, starting strength 5x5 or New rules of lifting for woman.

    I have been using SL 5x5 for 8 months, doing HIIT/cardio on my off days.

    If you still want to lose weight continue with a deficet. I am the same stats as you (4lbs less) and eat 1800 a day each day. Try to find TDEE and subtract off 10%. Set your calorie goal at that (custom setting) and don't eat exercise calories back. I log exercise but as 1 calorie.
  • Sweet_Pea4
    Sweet_Pea4 Posts: 447 Member
    Ah ok thanks step that helps. Well I set my calories now on here to 1,800 and set my macros as carbs 40% fat 30% protein 30% you think that will be ok? Also did you have a personal trainer to first help you with 5x5 to make sure you have the exercises right? Or did you find you learnt them ok? Thanks