Miracle Fibroid by Amanda Leto, 2 months, just starting

Hello there! I'm reaching out to fellow fibroid sufferers who want to make a go of Amanda Leto's Miracle Fibroid cure. I'm thinking of making a group next week. I'm just beginning the programme myself. Last night I had the biggest detox symptoms ever!! And I thought, wow, this really is a full on programme and it would be good to make the journey with others and swap notes.

My story is that in August 2012 I felt really unwell and had a series of blood tests. Everything came back normal, so I thought, well at least I can see about losing weight....that can only help. I joined MFP and began the journey of understanding food and exercise better. The time I felt best and lost most effectively was going sort of Paleo - cutting out wheat, dairy and refined sugar. But after a time I found it difficult to sustain as I still wasn't feeling well, and was getting worse. My body was definitely craving something - but what? (My max loss was 36, presently 18 - which I still feel really happy about). Things came to a head this February when I had the mother of all periods and just felt desperately weak. I went back to a different doctor who immediately wanted to test me for anemia and send me for a scan. Sure enough I was definitely anemic (9.8), and the scan showed a 5.8cm fibroid. So the relief was knowing that all this time - for several years - the problem was that I had been sliding ever more deeply into anemia. I still can't understand how the previous doctor failed to test for that. Anyway they gave me iron pills, which were good for a week, before the side effects kicked in. So I pondered, and then found different pills, hemaplex, at the health food shop, which have been brilliant, - no side effects. They are a lower dose, 85mg per day, and much higher grade iron. As per a test a few weeks ago my iron levels are rising well. (11.2 at last test). I have rosy cheeks again, and don't feel out of breath all the time.

So that brings me to the current phase of the journey. My doctor wanted to pursue a wait and see policy with regard to the fibroid, which was fine with me. But then my mind started wondering if there were any natural cures out there. I was blown away by the information that I found out about Amanda Leto's Miracle Fibroid. I have decided that, at just 2 months focus and pain, it has to be worth a try.

Some of the principles are already familiar to me; bringing down inflammation in the body, taking out refined wheat, refined sugar and dairy. But a lot is new. There is quite a lot to buy in the way of supplements, and even gadgets - I'm definitely buying a juicer, but also considering buying a high grade water filter. - but what price good health, if this works? Some of the supplements and protocols look a bit scary...it is definitely a very full on programme.....

Anyway, as I said, I'm thinking of creating a support group next week.

Do join me if you would like....and lets bust these fibroids!! xx


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I have them but have zero symptoms so far. I'd be interested to hear how you go with the book and your results though.
  • Almaviva14
    Almaviva14 Posts: 196 Member
    Ok, will do! In a couple of months, I'll report back here....but also when I set up the group I will post the details of that here, so you can follow progress that way too. I had no symptoms in terms of discomfort concerning the actual fibroid itself - it doesn't seem to have been pressing on anything. But looking back I had ample symptoms in terms of periods that were heavy and with largish blood clots....and then of course that leading to anemia over a long period of time. I feel like a detective! And after nearly 2 years I have victory in my sights!
  • VirgWithCurves
    VirgWithCurves Posts: 2 Member
    I have recently been diagnosed with fibroids and like you I have researched and found that Paleo is the best sort of lifestyle to reduce and prevent fibroids. My doctor also highly recommended a vitamin D3 supplement every day and a low sugar diet. I have cut out all processed foods, red meat, wheat, dairy, caffeine and alcohol. Down 12 pounds in 3 weeks. Getting my energy back. Like you there were few symptoms to know I had fibroids. A few heavy days on my period and some clotting, along with some constipation issues (I have a 7.4 cm fibroid on the back of my uterus towards my *kitten*. I discovered it because I started getting pinching pains, specifically around my period and I was trying to get pregnant and something just didn't feel right. I had blood tests for hormone levels earlier this week and a hysto sonogram next week to get a better idea of what's going on in there. Let me know when you open your group, I am in!
  • janemcd67
    janemcd67 Posts: 35 Member
    I have lived with fibroids for a couple of years now. I have tried many things, from vitamin D to dairy free to iodine to castor oil. I have one enormous fibroid and it is pressing on my organs to the point that I had to quit doing yoga (resulted in vomiting and diarrhoea). If something out there actually works I am ready to try it.
  • janemcd67
    janemcd67 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I hope the fibroid cure is working. I would love to hear what you think works or does not. I just wanted to say I may be getting somewhere with soursop tea.