Help with High Fiber Low carb Low sodium foods?

I'm not getting enough fiber guys and gals but I don't want to take some nasty tasting food supplements and would like to know a food or foods with HIGH fiber - Low Carbs - Low Sodium? Any suggestions? I get too many carbs as it is but not enough fiber in them so I have to eat more carbs to get my fiber in the foods I'm eating. I love apples and banana's but they are just too high in carbs. I need something with the fiber of those fruits and less carbs and of course no sodium or very low sodium. It's hard to balance all this mess and eat the kinds of foods we love. Please help need anywhere from 7-10 more fiber a day. Dr. Oz says 35 mg of fiber but that's just impossible for the way I eat without some help. Please NO OATMEAL I hate oatmeal so don't even suggest it or go there. :)) I swear looking at a bowl of oatmeal is like looking at a bowl of vomit and I will. lol


  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Why are you low carb?
  • AndyMcMahan
    AndyMcMahan Posts: 20 Member
    The sodium thing can be a challenge if you use anything from the supermarket. It amazes me sometimes how much salt they insist on putting into things.

    For high-fiber, I suggest anything with beans. Kidney beans or even black beans, for examples, have a ton of fiber and work really well as part of chili. I also find the taste of hummus very appealing. (And, I'm a very picky eater.)

    If you are looking for a good tasting supplement, I really like this brand: "Fiber Choice Weight Management Sugar Free Strawberry chewable tablets". 2 tablets is 3 grams of fiber and it tastes good.

    Now, as far as magical foods that are high fiber and low carb. at the same time -- I'm not sure I have a lot of good answers for that. Personally, I don't worry about carbs too much as long as I'm around my goal for the day and my calories is under my daily goal.
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member
    Fiber only comes from plant foods, which are all carbs. The only thing I can think of might be nuts and beans, but even those are not really 'low carb'.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Nuts and seeds help a bunch, e.g. chia mixes beautifully in soups/salads,and ground flax is good on yogurt. They are packed with fat (healthy omegas), and therefore calories, and a little protein, too.

    Other vegetables with half their carbs in fiber: collards, spinach, celery, chard. And the secret weapon: legumes. I rely on some legumes in my diet almost every day to get >25g fiber. A couple tablespoons lentils in soup, black beans, blackeyed peas, etc. Legumes are high in carbs and calories, but they deliver a little protein with no fat and are nutritionally worth the calories.

    Good luck!
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    P.S. I hear you that you like fruit, but it carries a lot of sugar carb for the fiber it delivers. There are many other vegetable choices with more fiber and less carb.
  • NaeNaeJanae
    NaeNaeJanae Posts: 261 Member
    Try Glucomannan pills. There was an article in Runner's World that recommended this type of fiber, because it doesn't cause digestive distress. It keeps you sated too. Just make sure to take it with a full glass of water.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Is there a medical reason why you are avoiding sodium? The amount allotted by MFP can be considered a minimum, not a maximum.
  • iwantmydenimback
    iwantmydenimback Posts: 194 Member
    raspberries, lentils, black and other beans, high fiber bread, fiber added yogurt. if you feel that you eat too many carbs as it is, you just need to make some different choices for your daily intake.
  • joeherbert48
    joeherbert48 Posts: 47 Member
    Because I'm putting down 255 carbs a day as it is now and need to reduce those as I don't need energy I need weight reduction methods and I've found when I can eat 150 or less carbs a day I lose weight but anyting over that and I stay the same or gain weight.
  • joeherbert48
    joeherbert48 Posts: 47 Member
    I eat a daily regiment of beans (assorted) and while they have the fiber I need they also have a lot of carbs which I want to reduce so thanks but no thanks on beans with carbs or any vegatables with high fiber that also have high carbs.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    Try Glucomannan pills. There was an article in Runner's World that recommended this type of fiber, because it doesn't cause digestive distress. It keeps you sated too. Just make sure to take it with a full glass of water.

    that's the stuff you get in shiritaki noodles, I believe. it's yam fiber. If you're looking to actually eat something, you could try those. If you get the plain yam fiber ones they are zero calories because i'ts just fiber. If you get the kind with Tofu it's a little more. 20 calories per 4 oz serving (I usually just use the whole bag. What's another 20 calories?) Anyway...lots of fiber. Not a lot of anything else. I replace stir fry or spaghetti noodles with shiritaki. Leaves more room for the good meat sauce. mmmm
  • joeherbert48
    joeherbert48 Posts: 47 Member
    Yes, I had a stroke back in July (only 57) and the doc recommended a 1500mg of sodium per day diet but of course didn't give me one. Just left me to pot luck. I've been dieting since then and lost 40lbs but I can't seem to drop anymore weight and I was watching the Dr. Oz show and he recommended 35mg of fiber per day to help with dieting and also the roller coaster diet with 3 days of high carbs low fat and 3 days of high fat and low carbs. I find myself staying stuck between 190 and 195 now down from 230 which made me feel really good. I did this eating Lean Cuisines and low everything ones at that (that herb chicken one is really great).. Trying to see if this fiber thing will work some more for me as I'd like to drop at least another 30lbs. (without exercise because I didn't exercise before and lost 40lbs).

    The stoke left me sort of cloudy brained and loss of equalibrium so I stagger a lot and almost fall and just can't stand up long enough to do any strength exercises, nor do I really want to.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    Is there a medical reason why you are avoiding sodium? The amount allotted by MFP can be considered a minimum, not a maximum.

    no. 2300 is the recommended MAXIMUM daily intake ( . 1000 - 1500 is the AI (Adequate Intake - as in, don't go lower than that). So if you hit anywhere between 1000 and 2300 you should be fine, though depending on your activity level and blood sodium levels you may need more or less, but that's something you'd have to work out with your doctor after getting the appropriate blood work done. I reduced to an average of 1200 a day and ended up with hypertension (around 144/84...the opposite of what they SAY is supposed to happen). I increased to a little over the max (between 2300 - 2500 a day) and my blood pressure has come back down to an average of 106/64. What works for most doesn't work for best find out for yourself from a medical professional what will work best for you.
  • joeherbert48
    joeherbert48 Posts: 47 Member
    After futher research those shiritaki noodles and raspberries will do the trick. I'll get the fiber I want and not too many carbs in the process I can cut out pringles (hehe) in place of them. I am amazed at the amount of noodles I can have and even with butter on them as fat is easy to control as I'm usually below 50 grams a day often. I'd like a good 150 carb 30 grams fat 1500mg sodium diet with foods I like to eat but of course that is impossible due to processed foods having so much salt. Some excellent ketchup I found by heinz has only 40 cal 5 mg sodium per tablespoon (more than enough for spread). Now I need me some low carb low salt french friies. :)

    Also, Kroger sells an excellent tri-bean in the can with low sodium

    Kroger-simple Truth Organic Tri Beans - Tri Bean Blend, 204 g (1/2c) 157cal 30carbs 0fat 0sat fat 204sodium 8fiber

    Really good tasting and has pinto, black and some other kind of bean or pea in them.
  • joeherbert48
    joeherbert48 Posts: 47 Member
    That's interesting about your blood pressure as mine rockets sky high if I eat over 1600mg sodium to 140/89 but if I keep it at around 1500 like the dr says it goes as low as 80/59 which I like. I'm diabetic also. I'm just screwed up as I totally have everything bad that could be bad I think. Right now I'm dealing with the worst toothache of my life and can't get any sleep (2 hours a night if I'm lucky). I've tried all the remedy's even asked my dr. for help but they won't give out narcotics at the clinic I goto and I can't afford a real pricy dr.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    That's interesting about your blood pressure as mine rockets sky high if I eat over 1600mg sodium to 140/89 but if I keep it at around 1500 like the dr says it goes as low as 80/59 which I like. I'm diabetic also. I'm just screwed up as I totally have everything bad that could be bad I think. Right now I'm dealing with the worst toothache of my life and can't get any sleep (2 hours a night if I'm lucky). I've tried all the remedy's even asked my dr. for help but they won't give out narcotics at the clinic I goto and I can't afford a real pricy dr.

    I appear to just be a really backwards individual.

    As for your tooth, narcotics probably aren't necessary so much as an antibiotic for whatever infection is causing the pain. A dentist could prescribe that, but then they are expensive to visit as well. Have you tried clove oil? Does nothing for the root of the issue, but should help with pain
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Fibre is a type of carbohydrate. Plant foods have fibre and they are mostly carbs.

    Why do you think you need huge amounts of fibre? ... and just to let you know: you don't need low carb foods if you are still planning on eating 150 grams of carbs per day. That's a lot of carbohydrates, especially if they are coming primarily from healthy sources: vegetables and a bit of fruit.

    To those who think there's no need to limit carbs: check out MFP carb defaults. Seriously. I'm supposed to have 250 grams of carbs (god knows how much sugar!) and that's with assuming that I'm trying to lose fat. Ridiculous. No wonder calorie counting, with no other consideration of the food consumed, is such a fail. But those of you who swear that weight loss is only about calories, and health isn't even a consideration: good luck with that.
  • joeherbert48
    joeherbert48 Posts: 47 Member
    Well the narcotic I was looking for are not for my tooth (I use ice for that) was for sleeping. If I don't get some sleep soon I'm gonna go crazy. It's not so much a tooth as I feel it's the bone around my tooth that hurts. Ice feels good and it should probably hurt on a bad tooth. I also tried heat and my gawd that made it worse till the ice kicked in.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    Also, if you're going to try the noodles, be warned...1) for preparation, make sure you rinse them well after you pour them out of the liquid in the bag (into a strainer). They will smell fishy. The rinsing helps that, and then once you dry fry them (no oil or anything necessary...unless you want to) the smell should be gone. They also absorb the flavour of whatever spices or sauces you use with them quite nicely.

    warning number 2 - It's pure lot of it. If you eat a whole bag of it rather than portioning it out and saving some for later (which you'd need to put in water again and refridgerate, so as to keep it from drying out) as I have done on the odd occasion, you can expect some flatulence and probably a massive 'bomb' drop the next day. Some people also experience nausea and upset stomach because it's so much fiber all at once. I had no problem with it the first few times I had it, but I had it again 3 days in a row a few days back and noticed that within about 6 - 8 hours of eating it I felt like I might throw up for about an hour but I felt fine outside that window of time. Haven't eaten it since and have not felt sick the last couple days. So....if you have no troubles, grand....if you feel 'off' at all, maybe don't use it as a regular/daily go-to carb replacement.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Dr. Oz says 35 mg of fiber but that's just impossible for the way I eat without some help
    Dr Oz is a well known quack.

    It seems mostly pure chance that he actually offers useful advice - actually, no. His advice is probably LESS likely to be good than pure chance would suggest!

    There are some ok reasons to get lots of fibre.

    When I took the time to read up on them, I decided I wasn't bothered particularly and stopped worrying about it.

    On that, today I did actually get 70g it seems - but I'd have been just as happy with 7, or 0.7.