
wfitch Posts: 1
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, I have struggled with my weight all of my life. As a child there was always teasing of course as all of us have suffered. Over the years I have found Weight Watchers has been the best plan for me and I have kept most of my weight off since 2006. I am struggling with between 15-20 lbs right now.

One week ago I walked the Detroit Free Press 1/2 marathon. I was so excited, my time was decent, I felt good, I was so proud of myself I wanted to tell everyone. Then.... I saw the pictures online. I hate the way I look in pictures!! How do I get to the point that I can look at a picture of myself and not cringe with disgust?? When I look in the mirror I like what I see but then when the pictures are done it knocks me down again. Sorry to complain but if anyone has any pointers for me please let me know.

Thanks Wendy


  • mykaar74
    mykaar74 Posts: 253
    all I can say is hang in there. I'm the same way, I love the way i'm looking and feeling but then when I see a snapshot of myself, I be so disappointed because it doesn't reflect the small changes, or the new me. Just hang in there, keep on pushing and eventually you'll get one of those pictures that you just want to post everywhere because it will capture the true you inside & out> I wish you all the best on your journey
  • bevsalter
    bevsalter Posts: 10 Member
    Hang in there and continue to be proud of your accomplishments. maybe you need a picture of what you looked like before and then you will see the improvements and you also see you have some more to take off. I do the same thing with my pictures.
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    First, CONGRATS!!!! on the race and all the other small changes. You should pat yourself on the back. Like someone else said, find some 'before' pics and put them next to the pictures of now. I'm sure you will see a big difference. I just took a picture of my now self for motivation and to show myself how good I'm doing at a later time. Keep up the good work!
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