I have no self control!

I have no self control. I have been using the MFP app for about 2 months and I was doing really well logging all my food and exercise and it helped to keep me on track and accountable for the my weight changes. But about a week ago I got kind of tired of using it. It seemed like despite staying under calories and doing some kind of physical activity almost every day I wasn't loosing consistently anymore so I decided to stop logging and play it by ear. Well that was a mistake LOL! Without the accountability of seeing what all I'm eating and what else I am "allowed" for the day I just go nuts! I was at 143.2 when I stopped and weighed in today at 146.4. And I haven't just been sitting around, I have been more physically active than usual but my eating habits just such so bad that I gained 3 pounds. So I am back on the wagon so to speak since apparently I am not able to make good decisions without seeing the end result each day. I guess really what it boils down to is my crappy eating habits are counter acting all the physical activity that could be helping me loose weight and reach my goals.


  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    It's just a small step back, chalk it up to a lesson learned. So much of my journey is trial and error. You can still make leaps and bounds forward. Better luck this time, I know you'll do well!
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    And you made a good decision to go back to logging since playing it by ear wasn't working. Give yourself credit for having the self-awareness to be honest about what wasn't working and fixing it on your own.