What's the name of these 2 simple exercises?

I just need to jot a few things down and don't know the name of a few exercises, can you help?

#1. Lay on back, raise left leg and (try to) touch toes with right hand, then same with right leg, left hand.

#2. VIPR weight. Hold above head and swing it down my right side as far as possible, back above head, down left side...
I did see a similar video example called 'through the needle' but that's a swing between the legs.

Anyone help?


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    The first one sounds like a variation of single leg raises for abs.
    The second I would say it is for obliques, a variation of the side bend, although I cannot imagine what raising the dumbbell accomplishes, other than make the exercise less effective and increase risk of injury if using heavy dumbbells (side bends are pointless with 2 lbs dumbbells, you might as well skip the weight).

    Edited: Sorry missed the ViPR weight in the second exercise. Ignore my reply :)
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Hi! There are many variations to the exercises, and depending on the source, they have sometimes different names. but check this out: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/
    They have a ton of exercises, and you can select by body part.
  • bonzodearie
    Hi guys :)
    @aggelikik. I know you first thought I was using dumbbells :) but do you think that VIPR exercise in my post is effective? It weights 10kg. The next one up weights 20kg but I wasn't really comfortable lifting it.

    @h7463. That link is pretty cool, I've not found my exercise there yet, but there's some other stuff I'm interested in :) I did find a few videos online and think it might be called a 'Starfish Crunch', but as you say, there are probably different variations.

    Thank you both for taking time to help :)