Will strength training make me look more proportional?

I am an 18 year old boy 135, working on gaining weight(muscle) and I have a question. Right know my lower body is much bigger than my upper body. (I am very thin up top/in the arms/chest/stomach area), and very big in the thighs and legs. I just started a strength training regimen and am attempting to gain close to 10 pounds of muscle. Will this make my body more proportional? I want a fuller upper body, and more muscular legs(not necessarily bulky though). I have very good genes from my dad(as he was very big and muscular with an 8 pack and huge biceps, triceps, quads, glutes, and such). I am ready to get started(just wondering if it's worth it). My legs are large for my body, and I want an upper body that will fit them. Should I do leg lifts and hamstring/glute workouts too? Or should I focus on my upper body?


  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
  • Vigilance88
    Vigilance88 Posts: 95 Member
    It will make you look horrible!1

    seriously though, take advantage of your age and just lift. At 135 pounds I seriously doubt you should be avoiding lower body :laugh:
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Yes. Lifting heavy and eating more food will help you grow muscle. 10 pounds of muscle gain is going to take a while, but if you commit to it, you can do it.

    Don't neglect legs.
  • potnoodlez
    potnoodlez Posts: 5 Member
    A good place for you to start is your compound lift, so bench shoulder press, squats, dead lift and row. All with barbells, don't use machines, they are evil haha. Compound lifts target most of your muscles at once not just one so they will help fill out your whole body.

    Hope this helps
  • potnoodlez
    potnoodlez Posts: 5 Member
    Also like above ^ EAT LIKE A MONSTER, lots of carbs and protein especially after workouts.
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    Also like above ^ EAT LIKE A MONSTER, lots of carbs and protein especially after workouts.

    I was STARVING after my 30 minute session today! Whey Protein shake and banana and peanut butter filled me right up!
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    Also like above ^ EAT LIKE A MONSTER, lots of carbs and protein especially after workouts.

    I was STARVING after my 30 minute session today! Whey Protein shake and banana and peanut butter filled me right up!

    No regrets!
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    NEVER neglect leg day!
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    Also like above ^ EAT LIKE A MONSTER, lots of carbs and protein especially after workouts.

    I was STARVING after my 30 minute session today! Whey Protein shake and banana and peanut butter filled me right up!

    No regrets!
    More and more you display your need for help.

  • trishfit2014
    trishfit2014 Posts: 304 Member
    A program like starting strength would be good for you. Eat a lot and lift heavy.
  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    Also like above ^ EAT LIKE A MONSTER, lots of carbs and protein especially after workouts.

    I was STARVING after my 30 minute session today! Whey Protein shake and banana and peanut butter filled me right up!

    You need to get on a program like Stronglifts 5x5 or NROL. Go at it 3 times a week and then eat as if your life depended on it. For your size/height, I'd say you should be doing about 3-4k calories a day with at least 150g of protein. Eat Popeye's for breakfast. Screw the shakes. Eat lots of Ice Cream and then make sure you're getting every damn meat known to man on your pizza for dinner. It's okay to occasionally eat something green as well.

    Man, I wish I was 18 again.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'm a 34 year old, 5 foot-ish female and weigh just about 10lbs less than you...yeah, I agree with another poster that there is no way you have crazy BIG legs. I don't have big legs, and I'm smaller. So don't neglect your legs.

    Also, yes, you can eat more...A LOT more.
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    I'm a 34 year old, 5 foot-ish female and weigh just about 10lbs less than you...yeah, I agree with another poster that there is no way you have crazy BIG legs. I don't have big legs, and I'm smaller. So don't neglect your legs.

    Also, yes, you can eat more...A LOT more.

    I ate a ton tonight!
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    Protip: If you're 18, stop calling yourself "boy". It will help. :D
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    Protip: If you're 18, stop calling yourself "boy". It will help. :D

    Haha ok
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Also like above ^ EAT LIKE A MONSTER, lots of carbs and protein especially after workouts.

    I was STARVING after my 30 minute session today! Whey Protein shake and banana and peanut butter filled me right up!

    No regrets!
    More and more you display your need for help.


    I'm just curious, why would you regret eating any of that or anything after a workout?