I am asking for help!



  • messiahs
    messiahs Posts: 40 Member
    I am far younger but I have been through a lot in my life as well. Drama and issues with people's mental health that slowly hurt *my* mental health. I lost all my friends because I never left my house and stopped speaking to them. But you can get through it! I do agree with the others, in going and seeing a therapist, if it's possible for you. It's also important to leave your toxic husband, VERY. Or at least separate yourself from his doings. I am currently working at something similar myself - leaving a toxic household. You can get through these tough times and you can get back on track...!
  • CLessBeth
    CLessBeth Posts: 46
    Hi Juliana, My name is Beth..
    I can relate to some of what you are going through.. I left a toxic marriage after 13 years... my ex was abusive verbally and mentally.
    We also didnt share a bed, and hadnt in a few years, mainy because I was unable to bear children due to PCOS and he used that to beliitle me as a woman... The constant belittling and hurtful words destroyed any respect or love I ever had for him.. and the very sight of him.. made me ill...The control issues he had finally pushed me to leave..

    I have a true honest relationship of 12 years now that far surpasses anything I could have ever imagined with whats his name...
    My Stepdaughter Lisa, age 22, passed away Dec 21 2013 from a heroin overdose.. I dont know if it was mixed with something else or not, because we havent got the reports back yet.. still waiting..they are trying to figure out what it was cut with..
    She struggled with addiction from age 15 up.. she started when someone gave her some opiates, then xanax.. then it progressed..
    We sent her to rehab, after rehab.. she became violent with us and her brother.. she was stealing from us, her friends and the stores to get money to buy pills.We had to remove her from the home, because she was coming in our room while we were sleeping, and if we locked the door.. she would bang on the door loudly.. we were scared.. I know if she was herself, she would never have acted that way. it was the drugs . but it seemed like every time life got to be a little bit tough, she turned to drugs. always..
    I hope you get some help for your son..Addiction is a terrible,terrible disease.. and it dont want to let go..

    Everyone else is correct, Make a life for yourself outside of your marrige if you cant leave. You need to live a little.
    You only get so many spins around the sun, dont waste any..!

    I am on here every day, I have a long way to go on my weight loss Journey.. Feel free to add me if you want.. ~Beth