Feeling a burnout coming...



  • ABeautifulDistraction
    ABeautifulDistraction Posts: 348 Member
    Couple years back I started having horrible pain in my stomach after eating, so much so I would almost pass out, so I went to see a doctor. She wanted me to see a specialist, after two surgeries to look through my entire insides, doctor couldn't find a thing wrong... My blood work was normal, except my tri-glycerides were a bit high, all in all they couldn't explain it.

    Any time I eat nuts of any kind, it feels like my stomach is on fire or being raked with needles, a lot of fruits with seeds cause the exact same reaction. Any type of course greens will do the same, yet lettuce and asparagus heads give me no issues... Bananas and applesauce cause me to have these adverse reactions also, found that quickly after being put on the BRAT diet right after going to see the doctor.

    A lot of things that are healthier for you, like greens and fruits etc, even some kinds of fish, cause me to have these problems. I just went to the doctor this week because after trying celery out twice, I developed rashes. I believe I have some crazy food alergy or something, but it's cause me to be pretty paranoid about what I try and how I approach my diet. Generally I stick to things that work and don't go out of that comfort zone much.

    I'll give some more thought to trying to incorporate more actual meat instead of protein shakes into the diet and see if it's more rewarding to eat than drink, I'm sure it will be.

    You need to pursue, OP. If you aren't getting the answers you need from your doctor get a second opinion. It took me almost 15 years to finally have a proper diagnosis ( I have Hashimoto's, Celiac, and Fibromyalgia). My ex had diverticulitis and your symptoms sound a lot like his. Good luck to you.
  • Myfitfutureself
    Myfitfutureself Posts: 34 Member
    Hashimoto's is no joke! It can stonewall any progress fast! Along with other various unpleasant effects.
  • ABeautifulDistraction
    ABeautifulDistraction Posts: 348 Member
    Hashimoto's is no joke! It can stonewall any progress fast! Along with other various unpleasant effects.

    Yes! At least now I have answers and a game plan.