My journey to a new me

Hi guys
I am new to MFP but it has been helping keeping track of my daily intake and my weight loss. Awesome!
I started the HCG (sub-lingual) program on on the 10/21/2010 .It has been hard but i have to do it. I started weighing a whooping 257 lbs!!! I weighed myself this morning and i am 244.2 lbs!! i am loving it!! I am following a 500 cal diet with fruits, vegetable and protein; Last night was the first time that i was very hungry at 2 am so i had a yerba mate tea sweeten with stevia and it helped.
Anyone following the HCG program here?


  • Hollisterrps
    I did do the diet six months ago. After doing some research on my own I decided against it. The reason is that I didn't want my body to go into starvation mode and I was not convinced that homeopathic remedies were legitimate. I lost more weight by working out and using myfitnesspal than I did using the drops. I don't feel starved and don't have the cravings like I did with HCG. Good luck.
  • joliern30
    Thanks. I am not doing the homeopathic HCG and i go to a clinic so i can be monitored by a MD. I do not feel starved yet and i am making sure to take my vitamins.