What's the NICEST thing anyone has ever said about your weig



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    My husband, who is the greatest person ever, said "you look younger and sexier every day".

    Also, when I was buying some wine recently, I got carded.
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    First of all, compliments creep me out. I guess I'm really awkward because I don't really know what to say. Its a little embarrassing to me I guess. I have NO idea how to handle compliments.

    But anyway, when I was in high school I did a couple of pageants and there was a "fitness" category. We had to do a 15 minute dance/workout on the stage. Since I was busy with school and figuring out how to ace the interview portion, my mother decided I needed a personal trainer to help me with my fitness so that was one less thing I had to worry about.
    Well, she and I ended up getting along really well...actually she's kind of become part of our family. And I kept working out with her after the pageant, and my mom still works out with her.
    Well, I go with my mom when I'm home for Christmas or the summer to workout and she's seen my weight gain....at Christmas she told my mother that I was the weakest in the family, but not to tell me...but of course she bragged about how strong she was- that's when I had it.
    At home for spring break I went to the gym to workout with her, and she said that I looked the best she'd ever seen me and that I had some of the "hottest legs" she'd ever seen.

    I flipped. Happily.

    also, my mother is a tough lady to please. her family has all these hang-ups about beauty and that they always have to be the prettiest because that's what makes people happy blah blah blah....well, when I had gained weight it was always "you don't need to eat that..." or "if you don't eat, you won't die".....
    but now its "wow, you look so great. teach me how to do the same"...
    it means a lot coming from such a hard critic.
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    when i was in cooking school, my teacher was from germany and he loved bigger women. one day, he said, "wow, you're good stock, great birthing hips". even thought it probably blurs the line into sexual harrassment, LOL, i still remember that, and remember thinking, wow, someone thinks my body is desirable. it was still almost 5 years after that that i had my first kiss or let a boy see me naked though lol.

    also, my EX, a wonderful man but we just grew apart, would get SO mad at me if i said anything negative about my body. he would grab my butt with two hands and whisper "you're so sexy". boy i loved him lol.

    it's funny though becasue the most times i get compliments it's when i am happy, not thinner. like today. i'm happy, fatter and have already gotten 2 compliments about how good i look today. :)
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    I work in office for a railroad company and we also are very warped around.
    We tend to tell each other that they are having a good butt day or step in their
    office and pose followed by the statement you don't want some of this, you want
    all of this. And no were are not gay, it just breaks the stress around here.

    Oh and then there are the insults like "great idea wearing stripes that sure slims
    you down" or if I am wearing a plaid shirt it is "somewhere out there is a picnic
    looking for its blanket." And then there is the nickname I have "Manboobs"

    As you can tell from my nickname I also have concerns while jogging.

    Its all in fun though.
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    I've been dieting for 10 months now and have been really successful - whilst my friends and colleagues have been complimentary, the best thing that has happened to me was last week when a woman I didn't know stopped me on the street and said that she used to get on the same bus as me (I walk to work now) and she wanted to tell me that I was looking fantastic.

    Thats awesome!:drinker: I try to compliment my coworkers ( hehe ok I goof around too) But a buddy of mine was helping my change an engine on a aircraft the other day and he was above me disconnecting some lines. I told him " Dang are you working out because your butt is totally screaming spank me right now, and those arms, they are begging to spank back! " Ah yea, good laughs. I guess us guys have our inside jokes, no I'm not gay in any way either! I guess being overseas for long periods of times messes with a man and his moral sense of humor. I even invented a "bro" Its a man bra that way when I'm running I dont get punched in the face, actually it was more of a chafage issue on the vest but it was funny anyhow!
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    Sorry trying to work and post, I was trying to respond to barracudamuscle's work response.

    I will do better in the future.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    My daughter told me I look great and she's jealous of me. :happy: (If you're reading this Amy, you're my favorite child now. :laugh: )
  • Kayley
    Kayley Posts: 327 Member
    This last month, my grandmother kept commenting on how my school uniform's beginning to look baggy and really loose in my trouble areas (waist and everything below btw :tongue: ) and that I'm doing a great job in losing weight. That made me realyl happy. :laugh:
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    This last month, my grandmother kept commenting on how my school uniform's beginning to look baggy and really loose in my trouble areas (waist and everything below btw :tongue: ) and that I'm doing a great job in losing weight. That made me realyl happy. :laugh:

    Very nice!

    That reminds me... my clothes compliment me every morning. My work pants have gotten so baggy that I can slip them on or off without unbuttoning them.

    Friends and relatives I haven't seen for a while keep telling me that I look very young. My mother-in-law told me that I'm starting to look the way I did when I married her daughter (10 years ago). My sister-in-law told me that the shape of my face is changing and I look very young.
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    I have been thinking about this for days and I finally thought about one.

    When I was a teenager, I was feeling insecure about my body and a girl my age told me her goal was to look like me. She thought I was the perfect size.
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    I agree, it's very hard to think. People are always saying do you ever look good now, and I know they mean well, but I feel like asking what did you think of me before lol!!! My cousin once asked my husband if he felt like he was cheating on me now because I looked so different, so that was a kinda wierd and unusual compliment I guess!!
  • debuckl
    debuckl Posts: 360 Member
    The way an ex of mine can't take his eyes off of me when we see each other. We are both happily married, but it is nice to know he thinks I look as good now as I did when we dated.

    When people beg me for my weight loss secrets. This has been happening a lot lately!

    My husband can't walk passed me with out spanking my butt. He says he just can't get enough. LOL
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Not too long ago at city hall paying a parking ticket....was in line and hear "OMG you never change do you!" I had no idea it was for me so I turn around to see this loudmouth:grumble: and lol low and behold of few boys from my o' neighborhood....they are characters and LOUD they kept saying wow...you don't age, you look great, still so pretty.... all this stuff....and I was feeling weird and uncomfortable about it until after they left it set in and I felt really good...and they were the ones who were always chasing those supermodel girls LOL....just made me feel good lol...first embarressed then good LOL...I don't handle compliments well I think I have a bad body/face image or something but I am starting to handle it a lot better.....I'm actually liking it and saying thank you now as opposed to Ya right?! sure?! lol...silly huh!

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Two things (one just happened yesterday).

    At work, in the elevator (I teach at a University) a dance prof. asked if I was a "new dance grad". That means that a dancer mistook me for a dancer. :noway: whoa.

    The other one, the last time I went to see my mother, I had to walk right up to her and speak before she recognized me. (she hadn't seen me in about two years). She didn't say anything really (something along the lines of. . .Oh, I was half asleep) but it drove the point home how much I've changed.
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    My boss called me last week and said that he wants me to be in an Internet commercial that will be featured on our company's website. By the way, there are about 20 employees where I work (small Insurance agency). At first he said that it will be him and me in it about 50/50 - by the end of the conversation he said "Basically, I will just be narrating... we're gonna use you for your good looks! Hope you don't mind cause if you do it's manditory!" (You have to know this "country" guy not to take things personally - he's a real goofball).

    I felt great and flattered the rest of the day! Plus, I got a good laugh out of it! :laugh:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Not too long ago at city hall paying a parking ticket....was in line and hear "OMG you never change do you!" I had no idea it was for me so I turn around to see this loudmouth:grumble: and lol low and behold of few boys from my o' neighborhood....they are characters and LOUD they kept saying wow...you don't age, you look great, still so pretty.... all this stuff....and I was feeling weird and uncomfortable about it until after they left it set in and I felt really good...and they were the ones who were always chasing those supermodel girls LOL....just made me feel good lol...first embarressed then good LOL...I don't handle compliments well I think I have a bad body/face image or something but I am starting to handle it a lot better.....I'm actually liking it and saying thank you now as opposed to Ya right?! sure?! lol...silly huh!


    Well you do look beautiful!!!

    I haven't always handled compliments well either but am learning to just say "Thank you!" and really mean it. I used to shrug and be like "Well, yeah...I'm losing but still have a long way to go!!". Now, I just say "Thanks!!" Hehehehe!

    We really should set up a New England MFP meetup in Boston or something and hit the town! Boston won't know what hit it! They will think a beauty pageant has come to town or something!! hahahaa! :wink: :laugh:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    lmbo! oh Tami you just made me laugh as usual!! you're the best....and I totally agree....we'd have a blast....talking about our broccoli slaw and trying to figure out how many calories are in the cosmo's LOL...hugs!!! and thank you...right back at ya girl!!!
    Ali :flowerforyou:
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    I was at work last week and a guy walked by and said "how you doing?" When I said good, he said "lookin good too" :blushing: this made my day!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    lmbo! oh Tami you just made me laugh as usual!! you're the best....and I totally agree....we'd have a blast....talking about our broccoli slaw and trying to figure out how many calories are in the cosmo's LOL...hugs!!! and thank you...right back at ya girl!!!
    Ali :flowerforyou:

    I'm gonna try the "Skinny Girl Margarita" soon. I saw it on the trashy Real Housewives of NYC. BUT, it is a great idea!!!!

    I am having broccoli slaw with dinner tonight. Hahahaha!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    I'm gonna try the "Skinny Girl Margarita" soon. I saw it on the trashy Real Housewives of NYC. BUT, it is a great idea!!!!

    I am having broccoli slaw with dinner tonight. Hahahaha!

    LOL I'm having some too:laugh: ....great minds....now dooo tell about that margarita...sounds YUM!