30 Day Shred - Starting 10/24



  • jcg926
    jcg926 Posts: 38 Member
    I can't wait to hear what you think about level 2!! I am on day 9 of level 1, so I will start level 2 on Friday. Tomorrow is finally my weigh day and I'm hoping I've lost something (I'm a scale pansy and get too nervous to check!).

    Keep up the great work, everyone!
  • ginnyroxx
    i was scared to try level 2. so much so that i put it off until the evening. well i just got it done and I like it better than level 1.
    It feels like I did more strength exercises or maybe it's just bc the moves are different. I actually like that better b/c i get my cardio at the gym (zumba/hip hop).

    I even found myself doing the exercises somewhere between anita and the other smiling girl (i forget her name since i mostly watch anita :blushing: )
  • jcg926
    jcg926 Posts: 38 Member
    That's good to know about level 2! I start it tomorrow... however, I'm feeling really down and joining some of you that haven't seen the weight loss. Today is day 10 and I have lost NOTHING. I was flabbergasted and I admit, I cried. I'll stick with this through 10 days of level 2, but if I don't lose anything after that, I'm going to be lost...
  • fsuxo2003
    Have any of you read Jillian's books? I'm wondering if maybe she talks about the no weight loss at first issues? I haven't lost anything either (well I actually gained 2.5 lbs - so I've lost THAT...but still puts my weight loss to where it was before!). I have been very strict about my diet and have been under calorie goal the last 2-3 days or so.

    As for cardio - I know it stinks to do ANYTHING after this workout (I've done level 2 once b/c I was bored of level 1 at day 3 lol) but I've noticed that if I just do 30 mins of brisk walking with my dog, I burn an additional 300 calories! (heart rate is already up....muscles are tired, which means you're burning more calories after the workout).

    If you're depressed (as I am) about the lack of weightloss....try that AND don't forget to take your measurements!!!! While I haven't lost pounds, I've already lost about an inch from my waist and FEEL better.

    Don't give up!!!!!!!!! We can do this! (says the girl on day 8......... ;)
  • brookeybaby_00
    brookeybaby_00 Posts: 142 Member
  • ginnyroxx
    I lost the first week, but this week i'm stagnant. That's probably bc of my TOM, but also I've started to track my sodium. It's crazy crazy crazy how much sodium i'm sabotaging my weight loss with - even being under my calories. I'm also finding the importance of eating into my workout calories but still trying to reach my 1200 cal goal for the day. gotta fuel my body.

    So my new goals after starting Level 2, is to
    track my sodium- stay under that goal
    drink lots of water
    try to only weigh myself once a week.
  • orange_avocado
    I switch to level 2 tomorrow and I'm pretty excited. Mostly because I'm boooored of all the level 1 moves, lol! As of today I'll have only done workout 1 for 8 days because I skipped 2, but I want to finish by Thanksgiving so I'm moving on anyway.

    virgierox, I *completely* know what you mean! After last weekend I could literally see that I was retaining water and didn't even have to look at my food diary to know I had too much sodium. I've been drinking at least 10 glasses of water or herbal (caffeine-free) tea and watching my sodium for the last 3 days and I can see a huge difference. Hope it helps for you on level 2!

    jgaich, keep your chin up! Even if we're not seeing the loss we want, the ST and cardio is good for our bodies, and keeping with it is a good lesson in consistency! Be sure to do measurements too, I think I'm seeing the results of 30DS more in inches than pounds.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • jcg926
    jcg926 Posts: 38 Member
    jgaich, keep your chin up! Even if we're not seeing the loss we want, the ST and cardio is good for our bodies, and keeping with it is a good lesson in consistency! Be sure to do measurements too, I think I'm seeing the results of 30DS more in inches than pounds.

    I'm trying... I did my weigh in today and I am at the exact same spot that I was on day one. It's disheartening. I'll continue level 1 today (day 10) and then move on to level 2 tomorrow. I will see about the measurements. I did initial measurements, and I guess I can take them tonight to see what the first level did for me (if anything). I'm just very disappointed, and I feel like I'm doing everything the right way.
  • hockey247
    hockey247 Posts: 118 Member
    I know how everyone is feeling. Does anyone know of anyone who got good results with this? I just saw so many threads of Shredders-- I just assumed that it was a great workout program. I haven't been perfect but I wasn't perfect doing slim in 6 and I still lost some weight.

    I am also going to do measurements this weekend to see if there is any progress. People say they can see it in my face and are now starting to make comments about my weight gain which is always a good sign that you are losing weight but still. Yesterday my friend said I am starting to look like me again. I still can't believe I allowed myself to gain 40 lbs... am I nuts??

    So my confession is that I did get home way too late from the game last night to try level 2-- so I am doing that tonight.
  • ginnyroxx
    i hadn't seen my bf in a while and last night he said my face looked thinner :heart:
    it's only been < 2 weeks, so that's progress in my book, (and hella motivation to keep going) :)
  • lizziamber
    Awesome! How's level 2 going for you?
  • lizziamber
    Awesome! How's level 2 going for you?
  • ginnyroxx
    my first day was yesterday. i really like it. i'm supposed to get off my *kitten* and do it right now but my body is whooped from my zumba class. can i get a pass for today if i promise to do it twice tomorrow?
  • fsuxo2003
    I'm with all of ya'll on the weight loss! I lost the last 2.5 pounds from the weekend but think I too am screwing myself with sodium! Gotta get a handle on it. Who knew it made such a difference???

    Also, my knees are KILLING me. The weather just turned cold here, so that may have something to do with it but I'm thinking I need knee braces if I'm going to continue. I can't walk up or down steps without them hurting :(

    Today is day 10 of Level 1 for me - trying not to talk myself out of it!!! While I haven't lost a ton of lbs - I HAVE lost inches - I can tell from my clothes - and I went to Target last night and actually fit into a size 8 dress!!!

    So EVERYONE TAKE THEIR MEASUREMENTS!!! The scale is not the only weight loss tool!!!! Repeat after me! MEASUREMENTS!
  • orange_avocado
    Congrats Virgie and Christy on the visible improvements! I haven't faced a scale or measuring tape yet, but I'm optimistic!

    I started Level 2 today.. HOLY COW GUYS! Ack! I had a handle on L1, but this was insane! I had to pause several times during the strength portions, and those cardios were nuts! While I'm glad to get away from endless jumping jacks and jump ropes (well, mostly), some of the new cardio moves were killer! I also worry about having enough space in my living room. My rug kept slipping on the hardwood floor whenever I did the walking pushups and plank/jump thingees.

    Of course, I did a really strenuous run last night, so I know I didn't make this any easier on myself. My knees and shins were killing me to begin with.

    Looking forward to getting better at this one!
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    That's good to know about level 2! I start it tomorrow... however, I'm feeling really down and joining some of you that haven't seen the weight loss. Today is day 10 and I have lost NOTHING. I was flabbergasted and I admit, I cried. I'll stick with this through 10 days of level 2, but if I don't lose anything after that, I'm going to be lost...

    I feel your pain. I started this on Oct 19th and I have lost all of 2 pounds. I do not work out on Sat and Sun, though Sat I do walking. However, most of that time I have been right on with my calorie goals. I am frustrated, yet I know something is working cuz I have lost inches off my hips, I think about 4 inches. Which is awesome and amazing, but WHY can't the scale move too????
    I am thinking of switching to Level 2 to see how it is. I have done level 1 13 times, so we will see.
  • hockey247
    hockey247 Posts: 118 Member
    OK- I did level 2 last night and I loved it. I was so tired of level 1 and the jumping jacks etc. I didn't do anything high impact-- I followed Anita and I made it through. I can't even imagine doing those things high impact. I don't even know how bad I can hurt myself if I tried.

    However my scale moved this am-- .5 lbs. Which for me is a major thing. I have been looking at the same thing on the scale for almost 3 weeks. So yay!! I am excited.

    I have another hockey game tonight-- so I may have to be realistic and think I will skip. I will try to get to the gym this weekend and do the Shred.

    I hope everyone else is doing great!! It's Friday- whoo hoooo!!!!
  • fsuxo2003
    FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After 13 days of this the scale finally moved.......3 lbs! Last week was TOM.....so that probably had a lot to do with it. I think it takes awhile for your body to build the muscle and start burning more fat and calories. I have also been doing an additional 30 mins of cardio (be it biking or walking the dog) after the shred. I LOVE LEVEL 2!! I added 5lbs weights too (forgot my 3lbs weight when I went to visit my parents and made myself buy 5lb weights :)

    I know it may sound like I'm bragging. I am! haha. I went on a first date fri (set up by my dad - it's his dr)....and he essentially told me I wasn't thin enough for him......OUCH. Went home and ate 10 oreo cookies and drank 2 glasses of wine.

    BUT, then I got up Sat and did my shred and cardio that day and Sunday AND was under calorie goal both days. The old me would have slipped into bad eating habits out of comfort but I think I'm finally over that phase!

    Sorry for the long entry but I know we've all been discouraged and I just hope you all stick with it with me!!
  • orange_avocado
    fsuxo2003 - it ain't bragging if it's true! ;)

    I'm finding level 2 waaaay harder than level 1. I hate the plank-related exercise (ugh, plank jacks, walking pushups, plank thrusts, and that ab one at the end!) especially because my hands get all sweaty and I start to slip. But I'm getting through it a little easier after 3 days. My shoulders are killing me by the end, but I know it's getting me somewhere!

    I've been seeing a difference in my waist especially so I went ahead and measured today... 1.5 inches down since the start of October! I can't wait to do the rest of my measurements at the end of the 30 days and see what an impact this has had!