Post-Baby Weight & Fitness

Hi all! I just created an account and am still figuring out how this all works, but I am hoping to connect with other moms who are looking to lose extra baby weight and get back in shape post-partum.

About me... I'm 22, and my husband and I are expecting our first child in about 7 weeks.

Height: 5'2"

Weight when I got pregnant: 121 pounds

Weight now (33 weeks pregnant): 139 pounds

Projected Weight at Delivery : 146 pounds

Expected Weight Post-Partum: 125-135 pounds

Target Weight: 105-110 (pretty typical for me, but I'd like to be FIT too!)

I've been eating as 'clean' as possible throughout the pregnancy and have cut back a lot on processed foods, sugars, and artificial crap. Hoping to get onto a completely organic/clean diet when baby is here and breastfeeding starts. I was walking about 2-3 miles per day, at least 3x a week up until a few weeks ago when pregnancy woes stopped me in my tracks. We just bought a new treadmill though, which I am hoping will become my new best friend on the journey to getting in shape! Really interested in learning more about weight/strength training as well, so if anyone has suggestions or tips in that regard, it'd be very much appreciated!!!


  • thatusernameislareadytaken
    Congrats on your pregnancy! I too am pregnant- due August 2014.

    I was on here awhile back- but then stopped- and now back on again. Trying to figure out why I'm gaining weight so much this pregnancy (2nd child)
    It's prob super obvious- less exercise and I am still eating the same amount.

    I started at 118lbs just before pregnancy and am now 132lbs or so at 6 months. But my hips and butt are getting so flabby!!

    I"m 5'2 and goal after this baby would be about 110 (ideally 105)

    I am a Tracy Anderson fan- been doing her method for awhile now and it really works. So I'm doing her Pregnancy Project at the moment.

    Finding it hard to do cardio (even though I was dancing and doing tons of it just prior to becoming pregnant)

    So i'm going to try and count calories now.

    Sean T is great for abs once you have the baby. It's mostly standing abs with dance. And Tracy Anderson is great for arms.

    Curious about how much you are eating on average each day....I can't seem to figure out a balance between feeling full, not dizzy but yet also not overeating and putting on excess weight. Really confusing!
