Food tips

I am new to this website and have 80 pounds to lose. i have to stay at 1200 calories but I'm struggling for food ideas to spread out throughout the day. i am typically up 15 - 18 hours a day and my first day I went over my calorie limit because i was starving. Any tips?



  • sweetyedie
    sweetyedie Posts: 104 Member
    For one low calorie snack that helped me was hummus. Check out he calories there's a wide variety and some are really low. I eat it with cuke slices, green pepper, or celery sticks.

    Also Sandwich thins are good instead of a bun. Only 100 calories for the two slices

    I would appreciate some other cues from folks also.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    WHy do you need to stay at 1200 calories?
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    I was just going to say that.... You need to increase calorie intake and lose slower.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I'm not recommending anything until the OP is understanding the site enough to provide her with feedback. OP why do you need only eat 1200 calories?
  • KristalC92
    KristalC92 Posts: 8 Member
    The program I am on, and every one I have been on before, have limited me to 1200 calories a day. However, it's my understanding I only have to count the calories for the first two weeks.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Why would you just count calories for the first two weeks? I highly doubt you have to stick with 1200.
  • KristalC92
    KristalC92 Posts: 8 Member
    I do have to stick to 1200 calories in the first two weeks. I am on a medically supervised weigh loss program through a physician that is also part of the bariatric clinic. I just wanted some low calorie, high protein food/snack ideas.
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    Vanilla greek yogurt, peanut butter, don't know how you feel about fish but salmon and tuna have crazy protein.
  • jmangini
    jmangini Posts: 166 Member
    Oatmeal, cereal with skim milk, progreso light soups, egg beaters or egg whites, Sara Lee light whole wheat bread (45 calories per slice,) low fat cottage cheese, non fat Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries, rice and beans, skinless chicken or turkey, fish, all the veggies you can eat, tuna noodle casserole, vegetable soup, pasta in marinara sauce. Morningstar veggie chicken patties or hot dogs or veggie burgers.

    You could eat about 12 cans of progreso light soup or 6 bowls of cereal with skim milk a day just to put in perspective how much nutritious food you can eat without going over 1200 calories.

    Here's a sample meal plan

    Breakfast - egg whites and oatmeal or cereal - or an egg beater omelette with veggies and a slice of toast.

    Lunch chicken noodle soup with a piece of bread

    Snack Greek non fat yogurt with fruit

    Dinner chicken breast, veggies or salad and potato or rice

    Snack fat free popcorn or nuts and fruit or cottage cheese and fruit

    A good rule of thumb for portion size is to eat a palm full of carbs, a palm full of protein and a fist full of veggies as your main meals.

    And don't listen to all the people who will tell you you need to eat a whole bunch of calories or you'll gain weight. Ever see a fat anorexic? Or ever see starving people in Africa on TV who are fat? lol. Eating more to lose weight is the most ridiculous advice many people will give you. There isn't a single fitness professional who eats "more" before a competition I assure you. Everyone is different. I personally need to eat under 1500 calories to lose weight. You need to find your range. Remember it is a lot more difficult to lose weight than it is to maintain it. To lose weight you MUST cut calories. I"d start with cutting 500 calories from your norm and adjust from there. You should shoot for 1 to 2 pounds of loss per week. Anything more drastic will probably end with you binge eating and gaining all the weight back.

    Good luck!
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    I think what people are saying by eating more is that you don't have to stick to 1200. You'll still lose weight even if you go over by a few hundred calories, so don't beat yourself up over that! As long as you don't eat above your maintenance you'll be fine
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    1200 calories sounds very low to me, also. In 2007, I lost 101 pounds in 7 months and then had an accident that put me in a wheelchair for 3 and a half years. Here came the weight again. I was hemiplegic, so I could not move much. Got better and took 70 of the pounds off in just 5 months. Then, another mishap. I could not work out and the weight came back again. So, if I don't have any more major mishaps that keep me from moving again, I should be able to get this weight right back off and keep it off. I worry that you are seeing a "doctor from a bariatric clinic" for your weight loss. Most doctors today are fessing up to the fact that they got it all wrong, Thus, the Ketogenic diet, the Paleo diet, and reformed Atkins (reformed, based on the new research into metabolic function). I follow the Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) diet. I realize that some people are simply shocked by the concept. But, it works every time I go on it. You have to understand that during my medical down times, I had swallowing issues, so my food choices were extremely limited and not on the LCHF menu. I eat things like eggs and bacon cooked in butter. I put heavy cream in my coffee. I eat steak, chicken (with the skin), and shrimp floating in butter. I eat full fat cheese and full fat salad dressing. I started back on the LCHF diet on May 1, 2014 and have gone from 278.6 to 261.4 (this mornings weight). That is 17 pounds in 17 days. I eat between 1400 to 2100 calories per day, depending on my hunger and work outs. Today, I rode nearly 20 miles on my bike and burned over 1500 calories in exercise. The point I am trying to make, is that if you restrict your hungry body to just 1200 calories a day, you are more likely to cheat, you are more likely not to feel satiated, you are more likely to fail at the plan, and if you throw yourself into starvation mode, you won't lose weight but will gain it. Please do your research before you make any diet choices and chose a diet that you can eat and feel satisfied with. THAT is the diet you will be able to make a lifestyle change to....and not just a diet.
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    I’m sorry but that seems so wrong. If you are looking to lose that much weight you should be prepared to change the way you eat, not starve for two weeks. But if you are confident who I am to judge?

    Vegetables, they have almost no calories and will fill you up. Every real meal I have I start with vegetables then eat a bit of protein and other carbs or fat at the end. I love asparagus for example; you can eat a whole bag and still only reach 100 calories. I prepare food ahead of time twice a week, keep vegetables you can snack on with you. I like boiled asparagus, carrots, corn on the cob…

    Other things I eat are egg whites, wheat bread (the 40 cal ones), cottage cheese, chicken breast…
    Also find out what time of the day you get really hungry and on the meal before that drink a protein shake with one cup of skim milk and a banana. That stuff will fill you up for hours.

    I am eating 1200 calories a day but I’m 128 lbs and 5’7”. There are days I will eat less than 1000 calories and feel fine but two days in a row of that and I start getting hungrier and will reach 1200. I think this is way too low for you, it will be very very hard to go 2 weeks at such a low cal. I have been eating at a calorie deficit for more than six months and I would struggle eating under 1000 calories a day for two weeks (I believe 1000 for me would be equivalent of 1200 for you).
    Maybe you should question this or get a second opinion. Just saying.
  • jmangini
    jmangini Posts: 166 Member
    I agree with the last post. Another tip is to view your calories on a weekly basis and don't get so stressed out day to day. some days you'll be under and some days you'll be over. It's the cumulative effect of shaving a few hundred calories each week that will get the weight off safely and without super cravings and giving up.
  • TheWeightOfFood
    TheWeightOfFood Posts: 58 Member
    The program I am on, and every one I have been on before, have limited me to 1200 calories a day. However, it's my understanding I only have to count the calories for the first two weeks.

    Why did you decide to do something again that didn't work before? What I mean is that it worked short-term but not long-term. Just curious :) best of luck on your journey!
  • jmangini
    jmangini Posts: 166 Member
    I think what people are saying by eating more is that you don't have to stick to 1200. You'll still lose weight even if you go over by a few hundred calories, so don't beat yourself up over that! As long as you don't eat above your maintenance you'll be fine

  • tinkbaby101
    tinkbaby101 Posts: 180 Member
    I do have to stick to 1200 calories in the first two weeks. I am on a medically supervised weigh loss program through a physician that is also part of the bariatric clinic. I just wanted some low calorie, high protein food/snack ideas.

    My husband went on a similar calorie restriction prior to his gastric sleeve surgery. His favorite high-protein, low calorie snack was jerky. He also liked hard boiled eggs, and greek yogurt.
  • rahelaciupe
    rahelaciupe Posts: 2 Member
    I really think you need to increase your calories. 1200 seems too little for you.
    SIMAKRA Posts: 97 Member
    cherry tomatoes and baby carrots as snacks in between,

    200g leek in a pan, add water, once the vater evaporated add a bit of lean ground beef, 1 egg, spice it the way tou like, gives s nice and filling dinner
  • KristalC92
    KristalC92 Posts: 8 Member
    The plans are structured differently. A couple of the other plans wasn't able to sustain because i could only eat certain foods and on this one, I don't have those same limitations.
  • KristalC92
    KristalC92 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you. The only place I'm big is in the middle. You shaped.