i feel like crying

I'm having a really tough day. I log my food every day and walk and exercise almost every day. I job 3x a week and do kettlebell routines for a 45 mins 3x a week. I put on roughly 45-50 lbs with my second baby and he is 16 months now. I couldn't really diet during my son's first year because it affected my milk supply so my weight loss was very very slow. I've lost all but 8 lbs of it so far but feels like i'm NEVER going to get there. i still wear my maternity clothes because none of my old clothes fit and i just feel so blah and like it's never going to happen.


  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Take a deep breath. It will happen if you take your time and do things the right way.

    Your kids came first! That's how it should be.

    Give yourself permission to take time. Don't look for overnight success, don't look for fast solutions.

    Love yourself. Love your kids. Exercise hard when you can. And eat at a mild deficit.

    You CAN do this!

  • vasairiah
    vasairiah Posts: 5,187 Member
    Oh sweets! Your story is similar to mind. My youngest is 16 months and was my 3rd C section. I didn't workout/diet during the first year because it started affecting my milk supply also. I gave myself 13 months and then weaned him and hit the gym at the end if January.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. It took you 9 months to put on the weight and it will take some time to get it off. If you've lost 40-ish # in the last 4 months you're doing great!

    Check to make sure you are eating enough calories. Are you getting enough rest? Water? Too much stress will affect your weight loss too.

    I agree with the person above your kids come first and you're doing a great job. :flowerforyou:
  • mlakshmi82
    mlakshmi82 Posts: 4
    Thanks so much for the support. Sometimes it feels so futile and as if i will never get there. And i lost the bulk of the weight verrrry slowly over the past 16 months. Sometimes nothing i did made à difference which is why i struggle so much with this weight loss thing.