I have nowhere to turn

So my main support is my fiancé and we are quite open with each other. However, he's been holding feelings inside I guess and in the middle of the night I was woken up to a breakdown. He said he felt like he was losing control because of several things. He wants me to try harder at recovery, be more physical (his language of love is touch), take care of the puppy more and realize that he needs me as much as I need him. I totally realize he needs me as much as I need him. It's also been an intense year/last semester with school work, my grandma doing so horrible that end results don't look great, helping out with a puppy, working at recovery/my depression and looking at wedding stuff. I know that I haven't been there as much for him these last couple weeks and I'm trying so hard to balance everything. There's no one else I can really talk about this with except in therapy but I don't have that until Thursday. I don't know how I'm feeling right now, I feel like a heavy weight just fell on me. I'm really trying not to take it personally and learn to do better. I'm so flustered.


  • new_nathalie
    new_nathalie Posts: 27 Member
    it can be hard sometimes to express love when you have so much on your mind. I know this and had some issues with my husband mainly because I did not like my self and was staying away from him. I also was depressing and thought everything was going wrong.
    But I knew that I had to make some efforts, so I did. As a result, I lost a tiny bit of weight (maybe not your case) and now I feel 80% better. I noticed that it was just the way I looked at things...

    Things then went back to normal and I feel happier, even though nothing changed (all the stress, chores, working two jobs, having a child and a home to take care of and make some time for me...), except how I feel about myself.

    I suffered from bulimia for a while, it was not very sever but it kept on coming back every once in a while.

    You are a beautiful young girl and you are lucky to have your fiance support you, but he also needs a bit of support, even if he does not have your exact problem, and because he as you are planning to become one family, you should always communicate and learn that you always have to put efforts in the relationship.

    Good luck!
  • SallyJones1985
    SallyJones1985 Posts: 55 Member

    I can understand depression, I have it pretty bad myself. I don't really know what to say, as your circumstances seem rather different to mine, but I just wanted you to know that you're not alone.

    I hope your recovery goes well, therapy goes a long way in helping.

    Wishing you all the best

  • AnJulNZ
    AnJulNZ Posts: 186 Member
    (big hugs)

    It sounds like you're having a tough time! Yep, been there done that with depression. Therapy helps so much.

    As for your fiancé - there is only so much you can do for him, and he needs to help himself rather than rely too much on you!

    One day at a time :)
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    So my main support is my fiancé and we are quite open with each other. However, he's been holding feelings inside I guess and in the middle of the night I was woken up to a breakdown. He said he felt like he was losing control because of several things. He wants me to try harder at recovery, be more physical (his language of love is touch), take care of the puppy more and realize that he needs me as much as I need him. I totally realize he needs me as much as I need him. It's also been an intense year/last semester with school work, my grandma doing so horrible that end results don't look great, helping out with a puppy, working at recovery/my depression and looking at wedding stuff. I know that I haven't been there as much for him these last couple weeks and I'm trying so hard to balance everything. There's no one else I can really talk about this with except in therapy but I don't have that until Thursday. I don't know how I'm feeling right now, I feel like a heavy weight just fell on me. I'm really trying not to take it personally and learn to do better. I'm so flustered.

    That is quite a load to bear. I would suggest your fiancé receive counseling as well and possibly pre-marital counseling. Just from reading your post, it comes across to me that YOU have to try harder, but what about him?
  • maybe not taking on such a large load will help you to spend more time with your fiancee. Maybe taking a semester off and postponing wedding plans…those two things alone are large stressors, never mind when a family member is sick. You can only do so much before you break. Either way, I do hope that you feel better and that this time in your life passes soon.
  • Apocalypz
    Apocalypz Posts: 155 Member
    I'm so glad I am a man. Not taking the mick, just saying for my next statement because it's so much easier for us to rationalise.

    Take it for face value if coming from a guy. What do I mean? For example, "I need you as much as you need me" doesn't mean "because you don't love me has led me to the decision to give up on our engagement." On the contrary, it means "I need you" = "I'm having a rough time" = "I need support".

    "Take care of the puppy more" means simply that -- "take care of the puppy more". It doesn't mean "I wish we'd not gotten the puppy". It also doesn't mean "I can't rely on you to take care of the puppy".

    Anticipating the response of "...but this isn't what I mean...", allow me to further dive. As a guy, we fortunately/unfortunately don't tend to add emotions to our statements. So when taken for face value -- "Take care of the puppy more" -- we then make a plan to fix this problem.

    I'm not saying at all that women can't do this. I'm merely trying to change the scope of perception. Focus on what can be done to fix things instead of what "I'm doing wrong." Does that make sense? "What I can do to fix this is..." is much more positive than "What I failed to accomplish". After you have a plan, perhaps even written down, then you can see a path to your desired goal. Would that work for you?
  • PeacefulBalance
    PeacefulBalance Posts: 473 Member
    Thanks everyone, it means a lot to hear advice and have support. It's been these last three weeks of the semester that have been so stressful. I know things will die down and I know I just need to support him more and not let my depression rule me.

    @apocalypz - I understand were you're coming from and I took his words at face value and didn't throw in emotion. It's the overwhelmed feeling that is weighing me down. The advice of writing things down could definitely be beneficial and I will try that, thank you!
  • tech_kitten
    tech_kitten Posts: 221 Member
    Hang in there. Life can be tough, and the only way we get through it is to just keep on keeping on. I have a slack day where I don't have to do any chores, etc, and my husband knows that on that day, I may just sit around and watch TV or play on the computer and he does what needs to be done. Maybe you need a similar type of setup, that way you know that no matter how overwhelmed you are, there is that one day that you can forget about all of it.
  • PeacefulBalance
    PeacefulBalance Posts: 473 Member
    That's a great set up! I will talk to him about that, thank you!!
  • Leafy12
    Leafy12 Posts: 9 Member
    I agree with all of this. If you break up your goals into manageable, bite size, do-able steps, including what seems like obvious and/or tiny steps, you'll likely feel like you're on a path. Good luck!
  • PeacefulBalance
    PeacefulBalance Posts: 473 Member
    Thank you so much!