Exercise in the AM or PM?

I usually am busy throughout my day, and the only time i have free is in the morning, and night.
Is working out in the morning better? Or working out at night? or either or?
I think both should be fine, cause if you work out in the AM, you can feel more energetic during the day, and if you workout @ night, then you burn the calories you ate that day.

So i was just wondering, when do you work out? Morning, day, or night. :)


  • lynne_p
    lynne_p Posts: 173 Member
    I prefer working out first thing after breakfast in the morning. Otherwise I'm apt to find an excuse not to do it later in the day.
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    Everyone will have an opinion as to when is better, but for me when the feeling hits I move and go with it! No matter what time you exercise, JUST EXERCISE!!! Both have benefits that will help you on your journey!:drinker:
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I do split workout several tiems a week. Pilates, yoga, and Curve circuit training are done in the morning. I go to the gym in the afternoon for more cardio and weights.

    I think that as long as we do our workout and don't find excuses to postpone them, anytime is good. Life is not perfect
  • ashbridge
    I work out right after I eat breakfast. I find that if I get on the computer or turn the tv on, then I wont work out. So I eat, then go straight to the gym. It's all about making a routine that fits you best.
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Work out. :bigsmile:

    If you tell yourself it's better in the morning and can't get to it (or don't feel like it) until the afternoon, you're going to give yourself the excuse "well, it's not as good if I exercise in the night, so I'll just skip it today" - exercise. :noway:

    Whenever you can fit it in. Every time you can fit it in. FIT exercise in, make it work, and exercise as long as you can, or as much as you can, even if it's 15 minutes. Exercise is goooooood! :drinker:
  • kristy12379
    I just read something in Fitness magazine that said that you burn more fat when you work out on an empty stomach. Usually I work out in the am before I eat anyways so now I feel even better about doing it that way!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Really the important thing is that you work out when you can. If it is easier for you to work out in the morning do it then, if you are able to only go after work then do it at that time. I work out after work since I don't have time to go before work since I get on the bus at 5:50am and I don't think it has hindered my process at all.
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    I just read something in Fitness magazine that said that you burn more fat when you work out on an empty stomach. Usually I work out in the am before I eat anyways so now I feel even better about doing it that way!

    I read the same thing today! lol

    I find doing it in the morning before breakfast (I have 1/2 glass of OJ to give my stomach something that won't be heavy, plus it has a little sugar) means that I'll get it done for sure. Sometimes I'll do it after work if I'm just too tired or if it's Thursday because spin class is at 5:30pm! I have a routine that I've set up (and even schedule it on my calendar!) and that also helps. Like they said, do it whenever is best for you. Try all am workouts for a couple of weeks to see how it goes. If you like it, keep at it. If not, switch to evening. Just be sure to give it a few weeks because it will take your body some getting used to waking up earlier if you're not already doing so!

    Good luck. :)
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    I workout in the morning because then nothing gets in the way. Get up and go to the gym as soon as it opens and then come home for breakfast and to get ready for work. If I have time I will run in the evening but find it is too easy to not have time to make this my regular workout. On weekends I run in the morning before I shower, if I wait it may not happen. I just find that this is the easiest to commit to because the only thing getting in the way is sleep, lol. Whatever you will do is the one that is best.
  • beylover
    As i don't have time and money for the gym, i opt for a walk every morning to work. I basically leave my house 1h30 early and just walk. sometimes when i am not too tired after work, i will walk but i enjoy walking in the morning more because i feel very energize during the day.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I just read something in Fitness magazine that said that you burn more fat when you work out on an empty stomach. Usually I work out in the am before I eat anyways so now I feel even better about doing it that way!

    I read in Men's Fitness (which was suggested to me on another thread with the link) that this is really a myth cause you'll burn the glycogen that you had stored, and when you run out, you do not burn fat, you burn muscle.

    I think it is fine to exercise in the morning, but I also think that you should listen to your own body to see if you need to eat a small meal before working out. I personally will be eating some oatmeal about an hour before cardio when I wake up, because ultimately it is calories in versus calories out...so as long as you don't over eat and you do your workout, the "when" part doesn't matter a whole lot.