New member seeks fitness buddies

Hi, My name is Shep. I just joined MFP. I am a 5 foot 8, 29 yo, male. I currently weigh 171 and am looking to get down to 155 before I go into a bulking phase. I strength train 2x per week (once with a trainer and once on my own), I try to do cardio sessions for 30-60 minutes 3x per week - but hate it, I also play a lot of golf ~3x per week this month, I walk and carry my bag. I haven't really found a healthy way of eating that works for me despite many attempts.


  • 614jaimee
    Hi Shep. I hope that you find this site helpful! My trainer says it's not just the calories that you eat, but the quality of those calories. I would LOVE to golf that much. Had ankle surgery not too far back, so I'm not back to swinging yet. Best of luck.