
I am petite (5'0"), small framed, and 45 years old. To achieve a BMI of 18.6, I need to weigh 95 lbs and would have a BMR of 1130 calories/day. I would project a bodyfat of roughly 12-14% at that weight.

As of today, I am 118.4 lbs, which is a BMI 23.1 or about 23% bodyfat. My small frame does not allow me to carry it off well.

I would love to find fitness buddies who understand these numbers (whether you are petite or not), are committed loggers, and understand the scientific method/evidence (i.e., I am not a terrific person to talk to about woo like "superfoods", gluten sensitivities, horoscope, fad diets, etc.). I have a deep appreciation for others who are sensible with their macros, micros, and exercise ... and know how to research the various ideas they hear about.

And I especially appreciate good humour.