Needs further evaluation

I'm back after a frustrated break because I could not bust through a 4 month hold at 160lbs. I had a body fat test that predicted my ideal weight to be 160 when I was 220 by my personal trainer. I gave in to that idea because I have huge boobs/butt...but now I think I can do better than that. I was fairly successful at maintaining during my time away. Will you guys look at my profile and see if my calculated goals look reasonable. I'm 5'4' and mostly sedentary at home after working 3-12 hour shifts as a nurse. I have on again/off again motivation for serious physical activity due to laziness/commitment issues so I only eat back exercise calories from my fitbit when I actually do it. Much appreciation in advance :)


  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    36 hours on your feet is fairly active even if you are sedimentary at home. Remember that when doing your activity levels! As for the rest I'm not as good as others on here.