looking for friends with similar interests

Hello :)

I'm looking for people who i can share my experience with.

I'm 26 and weight 210 after having two children
I just dont have the energy to do things with them anymore and i blame that a lot on my current weight

so, I'm looking for others to talk with and help motivate me.

I've attempted to lose weight before and ill work out for one to two days and then stop. I keep telling myself tomorrow I'll do it tomorrow but, i feel like if i wait any longer its just going to get harder and harder to actually take the pounds off.

I want to get down to my BMI healthy weight for my height which is around 125-150 so my actual goal is 145.

If anyone is interesting is sharing our experiences together please add me. :)


  • subjecttwo
    subjecttwo Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 26 also, but no kids. I was 270, now down to 204, so we have similar current weights. I'll add you :) I'm on every day, open diary.
  • rbaskind
    rbaskind Posts: 6
    Hi! I'm 5'0" and 210--sounds like we have similar bodies and goals (mine is about 150)! I'm gonna send you a friend request :)