DAY 1 - WEEK 3 (8 week challenge)

Its early days but I cant believe I have made it this far!. So far the biggest changes I have made are:

- waking up at 3:45 to do a 35min circuit of elliptical, abs, weights/resistance (sometimes earlier to tend to my baby)

- 3k walk early evening when hubby gets home from work (which we have recently up graded to part jogging)

- 30 day squat program

- 1000 calorie diet

-super greens every day

- + shredded


- Maintain the jogging & squat program

- Incorporate Jillian Michaels exercise DVD into my days

- Cut back on the coffee (its a waste of good calories)

Here's to another week!!. Hopefully I have got some great results to share soon :)

- begin


  • nbkp2ge
    nbkp2ge Posts: 39 Member
    Wow...well done...thats very impressive!!!! keep it up.