having negative thoughts - help me stay positive?

So for the past two months I've really been killing it by eating healthy and exercising (nearly) daily. I was not overweight when I started dieting; I just wanted to lose the 20 pounds I had gained throughout 4 years of college.

I've lost ten pounds total and I feel like I look great. That is until about two days later once I'm "used" to the new image of me. I start seeing more and more thing I need to improve on.

I used to have EDNOS way back when I was on ADD medicine everyday and abused it to curb my appetite. I've noticed that I've started to have similar thoughts to those when I was eating before. Like after a big, albeit healthy, meal, or even a slgihtly less healthy meal on a special occasion (this weekend was my college graduation and I ate out a few times), I feel super guilty and disgusting. Last night I broke down and cried after seeing how bloated I was. The scale said I was 6 pounds heavier than my last recorded weight, which I know is nearly impossible. Nevertheless, I'm bloating more than I used to and it's making me feel like all my latest efforts were for nothing.

How do you guys stay positive when you "slip up." I know my slip ups are't all out binges, in fact they're all just part of a normal lifestyle. I'm considering getting some support to help make sure I've avoid falling into old patterns, but right now I could just go for some decent support and help in keeping a positive mind.


  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    Graduating from college is a big deal!! Congratulations!
    Major life events should be celebrated and that usually involves food and drink. I wouldn't even say you "slipped up. You enjoyed a very big achievement , as you should.
    Be good to yourself, stop the guilt and move on. As you said, you didn't gain 6 pounds in a few days. Drink lots of water, it will come off.
    With a history of an ED you are wise to keep that in your mind, if it continues definitely seek help. Again, congratulations!

    Edit for spelling