Selfies for Days! (NSV?)

Hey, MFPer's~

So, this topic may have been done already, and if so, I'm sorry.

But today I did something that really picked up my self esteem and boosted my confidence..

I took selfies.

Okay, okay...I took enough to make it seem like they're going out of style, but the thing is I took them for myself.
I haven't posted a single one to Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Myspace (Does anyone even use this anymore?) or whatever social network there is. I took them for myself.

And dang, I look FINE.
I took some in clothes, in less clothes and in no clothes. I stood in all different poses and in between my selfies I danced around and let loose.

It was really freeing.

Lately, I've been very down on myself about weight. I've gained, and although I'm not at an unhealthy weight (some would argue this is a 'good' weight for me) I'm just not happy here.
However, this little stint, in my room with the radio going and my phone in my hand made me realize that I am 'hawt' and beautiful and sexy and alluring. I'm everything I want to be. I just need to learn to see it.

So I promote taking the time to doll up or doll down, snapping a 'selfie' or two....Or three dozen..And admiring yourself.
We're all just truckin' on, so try and see yourself as a beautiful, sexy person. Even if you're not at your goal. Everyone has equal opportunity to be the best they can be in this very moment; so take that opportunity.

~ ThreePartBreath