College Student trying to get back in shape!

Hi everybody!

I'm a college student going into their senior year. Over the course of going to school, I've lost and gained a lot of weight due to poor eating habits developed via my new hectic life. I'm looking to lose about 50-60 lbs over the next few months to a year (that would get me back to a relatively healthy weight that I'm comfortable with). I have used MFP before with some success, but only when I have friends to cheer me on. I am pretty private about this, so I don't let anybody in on my plans to lose weight personally (except for my boyfriend), but its still nice to have a network of supportive people. I'm looking for people to support me and I'll support you, too!

Best of luck to everybody!

(Also sorry if I don't respond quickly, I'm using this website through a windows phone app that I'm still getting used to :S)


  • nmdreamer
    nmdreamer Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I'm Tiffany and I'll be a support to you, because I need all the help I can get as well. Ideally I need to lose 100 to get to my healthy weight range, but I am starting with a goal of 50. I have to hit 21 pounds by June 28 for a challenge at work, so far I'm at 6, but this weekend was hard so I'm not sure where I'll be by Saturday
  • booboox94
    booboox94 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey, I'm Boo!

    I'm also looking to lose 50lbs. I'm just starting my 3rd year at university and would love to lose the weight by graduation next year. I've added you! I hope we can be inspiration and support for each other! xx
  • nmdreamer
    nmdreamer Posts: 14 Member
    Hey boo. I accepted and you'll have this weight off in time for graduation! !! Just take it day by day.