Week 1 and doing fine

Hey guys

Steve from the Dallas/Fort Worth area here. I'm glad to be a part of this group.

I'm a 51 year old recent cancer survivor starting back down the road to health -- physically, mentally and spiritually. I've been cancer-free for 1 1/2 years now, but in the process lost part of my tongue, my thyroid and a bunch of lymph nodes. So, instead of cancer causing me to lose weight, it did just the opposite. I gained and gained and gained. Granted I ate my troubles away at times, but in the end what got me was I just wasn't paying attention to my life -- living in survivor mode and not really allowing myself to enjoy life.

For about a year I lived in shock, it seems. I went from being a successful business man to becoming reclusive and depressed. Lost most of my friends by emotional attrition. Relationships fell apart. Only thing I had was my job. I would go to work, come home, eat, sleep, repeat. My days off would be spent in bed or playing on my computer. Then one day a few months ago, I woke up.

I moved back home from Houston last month, began seeking out my family and trusted friends and started piecing my life back together. I decided to move back home to D/FW to be closer to my family rather than living closer to the cancer center. My family has been very supportive. In fact, last week my brother paid for me to join Medi-Weightloss Clinic for the 12-week acute weight loss course to help me get a good head-start towards getting healthy again.

I started on Wednesday, and have made it through the toughest week, so far so good. It's been hard. No carb, low fat, low sodium, very low calorie, high protein - tons of water - eating moderately five times a day. By day 3, I just couldn't eat any more and didn't get close to my 1050 calorie minimum. And I thought I would struggle staying below my week one 1150 calorie maximum. Today was better, and I've started getting creative with my food using spices and herbs which has really helped. Boy do I miss vegetables. How funny.

Sorry for rambling on and on. For the first time in a long time, I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow and the future.

Thank you for having this space. Looking forward to getting to know some of you and wishing you all the best in your journey toward wholeness.

