Leslie Sansone is Great!!

I have several of her dvd's but I just got the Walk weight loss boot camp and oh my gosh! it kicked my butt but in a good way! There was her regular walking with multiple moves for toning but then high intensity 60 second bursts of jogging and then resistance training as well. Three miles and then some. The time flew by, it was great, got me sweating and I feel lots better for getting in my time. Since it was raining, perfect first time but I will be doing this one every other day before work. Give it a try or any of her dvd's. You can't go wrong and you will get into shape!


  • lmbihn
    lmbihn Posts: 18
    I love her to!!! But where did you find the boot camp dvd? I have never heard of it.
  • Ready4Changes
    I will have to look for that one. I love her walk away the pounds ones. :)
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I love her DVD's and the boot camp is great. You can still find the Boot Camp set at most Wal-marts, in my area anyway. It's a box set and I think it cost around $15.00
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    I love her boot camp DVD - we swapped out the resistance bands for hand weights and it really ups the intensity of the workout.
  • AmandaR910
    I like her workouts too, much easier for me to follow than others.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I have the 5 mile walk and it came with hand weights, resistance bands and stretchies. You jog on that one also. I love them and do work up a sweat.
  • ahoward76
    I have 2 of her dvd's, the walk & kick and the 3 mile walk. The walk and kick is a little short, only 30 mins. I have been using the 3 mile walk (about 46mins w/ stretching) 3-4 times a week. That 2nd mile really gets my HR up and the sweat pouring. I want to move up to the 5 mile but am not sure I can handle it yet. Maybe it'll be in my stocking for Xmas. :laugh: Anyway, she is great and super easy to follow!
