Sketchers Shape-Ups

I think I fell into the belief that these shoes actually work & rushed out to by a pair.
Yes, they are comfortable & my lower legs seem to be in better shape, but they have done nothing but cause me pain in my lower back. I am assuming this is because of the "off balance" way that they are made.
Now I don't wear them on a daily basis & this could be part of my problem too
I would like MFP members to give me their opinion on these shoes.
Should I give them another try or toss them into the back of my closet??


  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I don't have the Sketchers, but I have the same style of shoes made by Curves. I don't see any results as far as toning, but I do like how they feel when I walk. They are comfortable to me and I haven't noticed any back pain. You could give them another try, but listen to your body, and if they cause pain, don't wear them!
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    If they're causing you back problems, closet them. I have some for work, but they actually loosen my back up. It did take about 2 weeks for me to adjust to them and my legs not to be sore.

    But they don't really give any noticeable fitness difference except for the initial soreness. I mean, its only, maybe, an extra inch that your legs have to more through,so how much difference could it actually make? And if it did, the difference would be so small, that it would be nearly impossible to measure anyway
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    I asked my chiropractor about those shoes and he said absolutely do not get them. They make your gait unnatural which would explain the low back pain.
  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    I have had a pair of Shape-Ups for about 2 months. I only wear them when I am walking. I have different shoes for running and another pair for exercise classes.

    I have heard (through a colleague's Chiropractor) that they aren't good for your back. For me, it's how I stand in them. Sometimes I will catch myself rolling back and sitting on my heels. When I roll forward I stand more on my toes and this gives me better posture.

    However, I am with the others - if it's bothering you then listen to your body and stop wearing them.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Haahaa - did you guy their shape up tank top and pants too?
    You would think that by now adults would understand that these are nothing but gimmicks!
    The only way to get into shape is with good nutrition and exercise. Period. Shoes aren't going to make your butt look better!
  • dfwtxmissy
    I have 2 pairs. I don't notice any toning but they are soooo comfortable that I don't like to wear anything else. They are great for those who are on their feet all day. My best friend works at Half Price Books and loves them...
  • bigdaddycowgill
    bigdaddycowgill Posts: 120 Member
    I have had a pair for several months & only use them for walking. I've noticed a big difference in the toning & building of my leg muscles & haven't had any problems with my back. I've found that if I don't stride exactly the way they tell you & keep my head up & look ahead & not at the ground like I used to, I'll get a twinge or a pain here or there until I right myself. Many of my friends have them & highly recommended them, as would I.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    I have a pair I have used for a few months, For sure it works my legs and even feel it on my butt some what. I had to stop wearing them when I started walking long distance as my legs would get too tired out after 4 miles.

    So yes, they do work your legs more, but you do have to be careful with balance as it can be unsafe when walking on slants.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I use them only for walking. I tried for exercising and it was way too off balance. I got them for the nice thick soles, as I walk on a lot of gravel roads and with most shoes, I feel the rocks pushing through. I can definitely feel it in my butt when I have been walking lots, but don't know if it is from shoes or the particular days trail.
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    My hubby got me the New Balance toners yesterday for my birthday!
    Love them! Normal sole.....I didn't want the big wedge. Can def feel
    it in my butt, thighs and calves today. ( and all I did was wear them to
    the market!) :tongue:
  • AshaDidIt
    AshaDidIt Posts: 28 Member
    Don't closet them! Sell them on eBay. There are tons of people looking for them at a reduced cost for a preowned pair.

    I have a pair of Danskin toning shoes and love them. They give me an extra bounce in my step and the only time I noticed any discomfort was the first two days of wearing them.
  • Mama06
    Mama06 Posts: 110 Member
    I used to sell shoes for a living and when these came out I was immediately skeptical because Skechers are NOT athletic shoes, they are street shoes. I would not trust any claims of fitness from them because their shoes are designed for "fashion" and not sports or activities. If you want a shoe to wear for fitness stick to true athletic shoes that are designed for that purpose.

    Also, you have to take really good care of your feet because they can affect your back health and you said that you are already experiencing back pain. Don't closet them, trash them and keep your feet and back healthy and wear good, supportive shoes.

  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I have a pair of the fitness ones and I have noticed a great difference in the toning of my legs. They do require you to walk properly while wearing them you can't just drag your feet. When I first started I had pains in my back but I think that was from the poor posture but once I started walking upright looking up I haven't had any problems since!!
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    i have a pair and like them. i only wear them for short distances and time. my sister wore hers a lot and has back problems. she thinks its the shoes because it started around the same time. i never believed all what they were cracked up to be but i did notice a difference in my posture and i liked how it made me taller:)
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I own a pair and only wear them when walking. Like another posted, I have another pair of sneakers for running/jogging and another pair for doing Curves.

    I will wear the shape-ups as I said walking or in situations where I'll be standing a lot (like car shows). The thick cushiony feel makes the shape-ups very comfortable in these situations.

    I did notice last Sunday while walking around the local flea market in the shape ups my lower back hurt. Today, at the flea market in different sneakers my lower back hurt. When I adjusted my posture - the lower back pain subsided... so no slouchy walk for me.

    I think the shape-ups make me more aware of my posture. When I have slouchy posture, I have lower back pain.
  • dcherry88
    dcherry88 Posts: 15 Member
    I bought mine for the exact problem the OP is having with them. I walk a lot for my job, managing computers in multiple buildings. I had cheap shoes as my walking shoes and had constant back probs. I got the shape ups and that pain went away. They are awesome for me. I haven't used them for anything more than walking/work shoes. I dont wear them at home when im doing yard work, uneven terrain/climbing is just begging for a rolled ankle if you aren't careful.