Career Health Change

Hi- Myfitness Pals
This is my first post, so let me introduce myself. I am 27 years old with two sons age 5 & 9. I am a junior at Louisiana State University majoring in Nutritional Science with a concentration in Dietetics!!! My goal is to be at my ideal weight (185lbs - 200lbs) by my graduation (May 2012). Currently I weigh 297 lbs., yes I am obese :(. My focus is to be a role model for my clients when I enter into my career. I did not get this way overnight so I don't plan to lose it over night. I am prepared to work hard and see how hard work and determination looks in 2012!!!!!!
With that being said I look forward to gaining motivational fitness pals. Let's get it!!


  • ahesse
    ahesse Posts: 5
    What a great goal! Not only will you be a model for others, you will feel amazing about your accomplishment. Welcome, and I hope your determination takes you all the way to your goal. I'm sure it will :-)
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Welcome to MFP, it is a great tool to help you.
  • ColetteDuchnowski
    Welcome....I would like to do that too, getting my degree in nutrition, but become a nutrition counselor. I follow a holistic approach to my nutrition. There is a lot to learn in just learning how to eat right. I want to be a good role model for others who need to lose weight and I can show by example. Right now, I am just reading all I can about good nutrition, and not just what the FDA wants you to know...Right now I am pursuing my degree in Medical Office Administration and coding and billing.
  • goldilocks007
    Welcome to MFP. Way to go! You have a great goal, and your weight loss will go a long way to contributing to a successful career. This is a great website to help you to meet your goals. One of my many reasons to losing weight is to motivate my patients to a healthier lifestyle. Let's face it, if I am not willing to become healthier, how can I motivate them to lead a healthier lives and lower blood pressure, blood glocuse or lower lipids? Best of luck to your weight loss goals, feel me to add me as a friend.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Wait! Are we twins? And we're only living an hour apart! Time to hook up, sista! ;)
  • jimmydeanbakker
    I hope that you do lose all the weight because more than a few dietitians are on the obese side. They know what to eat and how much to eat, but don't. I'm glad to see that you don't wanna go down that path. Good luck, and I hope you reach your weight loss goal.
  • JensueFerrell
    JensueFerrell Posts: 14 Member
    Good luck & welcome to MFP. I love this site!! I am sure you will meet your goal.
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    I admire your goal. I have a hard time sending my patients to a dietician who don't live what they teach. I am striving to stay in a healthy weight range to provide a good example and need the other team members to do the same. You will have more success with your patients for living what you teach! Good luck.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Welcome! I'm also in school right now and graduating in May 2012 with my bachelors in exercise physiology and a minor in nutrition. I've actually been a certified personal trainer for 14 1/2 years and a certified sports nutritionist for 5 years. In my experience, selling your services is actually easier if the clients can see that you know where they are coming from so sharing your weight loss story will help you help them. And you won't regret going for the degree instead of certification. Don't get me wrong, the certifications have been good, but we learn so much more in a bachelors program then just in certification. I just clicked through to your profile to add you as a friend because I would love to chat about the classes since I'm sure we have several in common. Sometimes its nice to talk to someone who understands and shares a passion for what you are learning to not only reinforce the learning but also to keep you motivated to push through those hard classes. ;)