i don't understand :(

iamstronger247 Posts: 47
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
when i first started MFP i was @ 230lbs and then i lost 3lbs and i been doing a lot of exercising and heating healthy and everything and i weighed myself this morning and i am back at 229lbs :( how is that possible i am SO discouraged..
do you like gain weight before you lose weight? i want to cry and give up :(


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    Go here and read this. Save your sanity. :flowerforyou:
  • You are probably building muscle, which weighs more than fat....which in turn also helps to burn more fat off. Try not to get discouraged, this could be a good sign that things will turn in your favor soon! Keep making healthy food choices and exercising and you'll see results for all of your hard work =)
  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    Ok, how long did it take you to lost the 3 pounds? And then how long did it take you to gain 2 back?

    What kind of exercise have you been doing? Time, intensity, number of workouts per week, type of activity.

    How clean are you eating? Are you eating enough? (I can't see your diary so I can't really give specific advice)

    Are you drinking enough water?

    Did you take measurements when you started and have you measured again?

    How often are you weighing yourself? Please do not do it every day. When you do weigh, make sure you are doing it at the same time every 4-7 days, preferably nekkid and preferably after using the restroom. You can literally lose a pound or more after using the potty depending on the content of your bladder and bowels.

    All of these questions and other things like stress level and amount of sleep will affect your weight. If you weigh yourself every day, you WILL see it bounce up and down. Don't make yourself crazy. Look for a downward TREND in weight and inches lost once or twice a week at the most.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Hun, don't give up! MFP is not only a great tool for keeping track of what we eat but also gives us the opportunity to ANALYZE what we eat. Are you eating a lot of sodium? Eating a lot of processed or fast foods may throw your weight off as it will cause you to retain water. The scale can fluctuate as much as 5 lbs in one day depending on sodium intake and water retention. So you have to be careful about that. Even if you are staying under your calorie goal. How often to you weigh? What time of day do you weigh? I would the same day each week as your weigh-in day. Even if you weigh during the week, don't count it. Only count on weigh-in day. I weigh on Wednesdays, always in the morning after I go to the potty, and without clothes. Its best this way for accuracy.

    So don't give up! Just analyze what you're doing to try and pin point what the problem is. If I can be of further help, do not hesitate to let me know! Keep your chin up!

  • I had the same problem. Several people recommended to increase the water intake. You are suppose to drink half of your body weight in ounces. That is 159 oz of water a day for me! Sure I had to pee a lot at the beginning, but my body got use to it. And sure enough next time I got on the scale, I lost!
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    Just hang in there! I know it can get discouraging when you don't see the scale move. But those are the days you have to push yourself even harder to stay in this. Keep exercising and staying within your calories, and change WILL happen. You've got a million members on MFP who are living proof! You can do this!
  • Don't pay attention to that scale. You do a few exercises, lose some water weight, and then weigh yourself, and you think you truly lost 4 pounds. I want you to think about what 4 pounds looks like in calories. 4 pounds is 14000 calories. Do you remember burning 14000 calories? To burn that many calories in a month is a huge task that takes a lot of calorie counting and exercise. Stay the course for several months, and you will see the pounds melt off your body. A few weeks with the program isn't enough time to be critical. This isn't a fad diet with overnight results in order to get into that class reunion dress, and then you gain all the weight back. This is a journey that takes time; and at the end of the day, your heart will thank you for it.

    If you're new to exercising or you change your exercise routine, the body goes into shock. You'll start retaining a little bit of water until your body gets use to the new stresses. After that, you'll start seeing better results.
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    As long as you are exercising and eating right . . . THAT is what counts. Yes, it is always fun to see the numbers on the scale decrease but a lot of the time it is just showing you water weight changes. How do you feel? More energized? Healthy? Sexy? If so, focus on that and not the number on the scale.

    DO NOT give up! A healthy lifestyle is more important than the size of clothes you wear or how much you weigh. Keep at it! Every day is a new day to continue towards a healthier lifestyle. Don't dwell on the past . . . work hard today and then work hard again tomorrow.
  • You've been a member less than a month. Give it time to work and be patient. It works for everyone who puts in the time and effort, it just might not happen instantly.
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