New Guy Here!

Hello all!
My name is Adam and I'm from the Buffalo area of New York (yes, yes, that city with the awful football team, haha! :wink: )
Anyways, a good friend of mine told me about this site and decided to check it out and I love every bit of it. Will definitely be sticking to this system for the next long while! :smile:

As far as my story goes, I've pretty much been battling weight issues since I was in elementary school. I was always overweight and it was a pretty typical childhood social situation - always picked last in gym; picked on by the "cool kids"; the whole deal. And it did hurt my feelings growing up but it never motivated me to do anything about it. I was a kid, what did I know right? :wink: It continued into my teen years where my daily routine pretty much turned into an "eat when you're bored" approach. I played sports as a kid but when I got older is when I turned more into the computer/gamer guy which was a terrible combination with my eating habits. I've tried diet programs and other systems, i.e. Slim Fast, Weight Watchers, etc. and they just never seemed to stick for me. My hobbies have not changed much and I now work full time at an office/desk job and was never one to exercise very much. So long story short, I'm currently 21 and am very overweight because of all of the above. It's always been kind of hard to deal with personally, just the self-consciousness and the embarrassment of always being associated with as "you know, that really heavy guy." But I always just tried to pass it off as being my own person and being unique and not caring what everyone else thought. It was a cop out, I know. And until recently I haven't thought a ton about my own personal health and well-being. Truth is, it was a bad excuse for a cop out and a very unhealthy one at that. As insecure as I felt, I decided it was finally time to make a change. I want to be happy you know? I want to look good and I want to feel good. At 21, this is when I should be enjoying life the most and I haven't had that opportunity. Yet... Which is what lead me to here. A very good friend of mine uses this site as well and I've seen some incredible results from him and it has inspired me to make a healthy change for myself. It was always hard to stick with programs and weight loss for me and I think one of the biggest reasons was because I always felt like I was alone in my journey. But when I heard about this huge online community of support and what-not I had to check it out!
And that leads me to now! Just joined today, but I've been moderating my calories for the last few days now. I'm excited to be a part of this place and to get to know all of you, and I'm excited to make a change once and for all! :smile: I'm also pretty nervous, however... As a person who was always very critical of myself, I'm afraid to fail at this (again... :ohwell: ) and that it will be too hard. I won't lie, the last few days have been some of my hardest mental resistance checks I've had in a very long time, haha! But I know with a good system and good people to back me up that I can do it! Like I said, I look very much forward to talking to and getting to know you all a bit more and ALWAYS appreciate help, encouragement, recipes, etc etc.

So yeah, that's the story of me! Haha :smile:


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Welcome to MFP, it is a great tool to help you.
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    Hi there! Welcome to MFP. I love it here! :flowerforyou:
  • lynne_p
    lynne_p Posts: 173 Member
    Hi Adam, and welcome to MFP! You'll find this a very supportive and encouraging group. If you have a question or a concern, don't hesitate to ask. Everyone here is ready to jump to your aid. We are all in this together; we all help one another. Now is a great time to change your lifestyle and to get healthier. I'll send a friend request along and we can help each other in our journey. :happy:
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    Welcome to the site. There are so many wonderful people and places to find encouragement on here that it's hard to fail. One thing you have to learn is to not be so hard on yourself. We all have days where we feel like we are failing or that we can't keep going but you can and will learn that it won't be easy but you can do it. Good luck on your journey!
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Adam,
    Welcome to MFP it is a great site. I have been here for just over a year. Good luck you can do it!!!:smile:
  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    Welcome. I have been on MFP for almost 4 months. It's the best decision I have made in many years. I have lost weight with diets many times before, but it was never a lifestyle change. This time is different; it's a lifestyle change, not a diet. Good luck on your weight loss journey. Please feel free to add me as a friend; we can help motivate each other.
  • SuperStorm
    SuperStorm Posts: 119 Member
    Welcome aboard! I sure hope you like to count and try new foods because that is what you are getting ready to do! It's great though, everyone here is wonderful and this REALLY works. Just remember that you will have bad days, even weeks. You will lose 2lbs one week and gain 3lbs the next but you cannot give up. Just start fresh the next morning and it'll all be okay. You CAN and WILL do this! If you need anything, just ask :)
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    hey and welcome :D
  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    Welcome and enjoy! I have been on this site only 5 days, but I like it. Good luck with your journey.