Urgent situation - Can't stop binging, holiday in 12 days

Hi all,

For seven weeks I have been 'cutting', eating below my calorie maintenance to lose fat after my bulk.

I have lost 5 KGS, received the abs I was looking for and ate clean.

But for the past three days my body has been rebelling, extreme binges of the worst foods. 5,000 calorie binges. I think my body is telling me that I need stop cutting and resume bulking. I just wish it had done it after my trip, not before.

But I am going on a holiday that I have been working towards (physically) for 6 months now. I have dreamed of the moment of me being confident by the pool with a body I am confident in. Which is my current body (well, the body I had 3 days ago).

Do I continue cutting for the last 12 days, risk binging, or do I up my calories from 2,300 to 2,800 (while continuing my weight lifting program). I am planning to bulk after my trip until December.



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    instead of cutting 500 cals, why not eat at maintenance or a 250 cal cut?