I'm so lost...

Okay, I need help. I really do. I'm at the point where I'm scared to eat anything. I tried eating less than 1200 a week and it didn't really work, so I tried eating more around 1300-1500 and I gained about 4 lbs. I started walking last week about 20-30 minutes a day during my break time at work, and I still don't know why I'm not loosing weight. What am I doing wrong? I feel so frustrated. I don't know if I should eat anymore, or head to the fridge and pig out. I found myself for the past 2 days eating only about 800-900 calories. I didn't want to do it, but I was scared when I weighed myself to see I gained 4 lbs. I know I shouldn't be freaked out, but I am :( What do I do?

I've lost a lot of weight, but I still see myself fat when I look at the mirror. I'm still not pleased at my result. My mother even told me I did look like I gained weight. I'm also stressed about my job because it's moving, and I'm also going to school at night. I don't know if that's why I'm having problems loosing weight. I'm screaming inside. Please give some advice. I'm not sure what I'm asking for really. Maybe just someone who can tell me I'm not alone.


  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    Don't give up! Right now your body is holding on to everything because it doesn't know what to do. Eat at least 1200 calories a day and up your excercise. I spoke to a dietician this week and she suggested at least 90 minutes of excercise a day to loose weight. Now granted you don't want to do 90 minutes all at once, you need to increase your current excercise routine by 15 minutes until you build up to 90 minutes so you don't injure yourself.

    Good luck - stay focused - it's a challenge, I know, but you can get to your goal weight.
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    I would suggest eating what MFP suggests... it can take your body 3-4 weeks to get used to it... and yes in this time you may gain weight. But after your body has adjusted then you should see your weight dropping. :happy:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    First of all 26 pounds of weight is a success. Remember that success and focus on that. You seem to have a plan and stick with it. Stress makes the body wacky so try and slow down and focus. You are doing well.:happy:
  • SarcasticManiac
    Hopefully this will help.

    It seems to me that your stress could be responsible for your weight gain, as the link between stress and weight loss has been shown in studies. Also, while eating less than 1,200 calories per day may SEEM like a good idea, it's actually counter-productive. Eating less than this can put your body into "starvation mode" where your metabolic rate nosedives and your body does everything it can to hang on to fat. Since you say you're taking classes at night, it makes me think that maybe you're not getting enough sleep. A good night's sleep (8 hours or so) has been linked to losing fat while not getting it has been linked to being overweight.

    My advice to you is this: Make sure you get a good night's sleep every night, do whatever you can to decrease your stress levels, and try to have at least 1,200 calories every day.
  • ariellespiller
    You're not alone! Weight loss is so fickle...sometimes something will work, then days later, have the opposite effect. So frustrating! Maybe change your workout to something a little more high impact? Sometimes just a small change will help...And don't you just love helpful family members!
    Make sure the calories you are eating are from healthy foods, and try to have a balanced diet. Sometimes I don't hit 1200 either, but as long as I'm not hungry, I will just eat healthy things until I'm full. Some people say snack more often, maybe you could try that. And be sure to drink enough water...oddly enough, I tend to weigh more the day after a day when I didn't have at least 8 glasses. Anyway, I sure hope someone has an answer that works for you. Please be encouraged! You've done a tremendous job so far, so try very hard to be proud of what you've accomplished!
  • MandyGirly
    I absolutely know where you're coming from!! Just today I stepped on the scale and I almost cried. I have eaten everything I was supposed to and added so much exercise to my daily routine... and I gained weight! I'm not sure how it happens... but I'm not giving up. Even if I don't lose weight right away, I'm at least making healthier choices, which will make me feel better in the long run, right? It helps to know you're not alone, though!
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,723 Member

    Read this. If it won't work as a link, go to my blog. It will link from there. It is a long article but please read it. Good luck!:smile:
  • ahoward76
    I have to agree with some of the previous post. Stress and not eating enough calories can definitely make you gain. I know it's hard to decrease the stress but more exercise will help that...it's the natural stress reliever!! Also, I agree that at least 1200/day will help, along w/ 8-10 glasses of water daily! Good Luck....You can most definitely do it...Look at your success already!! Good Luck!! :smile:

  • joleanrook
    Hey girl! First of all congratulations on all your weight loss so far.
    My advice for you would be to eat 1200 calories a day, and be consistent about it. You may go up a little bit at first but that will all fall back off. Stick to it, log your food, and meet your goal each day. Take it one day at a time and try not to stress. Stress increases cortisol production which causes us to gain weight (especially around the middle) and also causes water retention.
    Focus on the great work you've done so far, how much you've lost, and stay positive. This should be a good experience, you should walk away from logging your food feeling proud of yourself. You are really stressing yourself out, just step back a minute and breathe.

    If you continue to "freak out" about your weight, obsess, and feel unhappy you could push yourself into the "Accidental eating disorder" category, which is very easy to do. Like I said, stay positive!! You're doing fine girl. 1200 a day, walk 30 min, and relax.