gynocology-related question--be forewarned!



  • gatedialer
    gatedialer Posts: 149 Member
    I, too, use birth control pills correctly (loestrin24FE) and have noticed spotting since I have changed how I eat. My OBGYN said was nothing to worry about and mostly likely because my body was adjusting to the new diet and exercise. To ease your nerves, see your OBGYN and discuss the issues with them.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    What I noticed is that my periods went from 4 weeks apart to 3 weeks - 3 weeks - 6 weeks when they were nothing but regular before.

    When I asked my doctor, he told me that metabolizing fat releases estrogen, which messes up your reproductive cycle, and that it's nothing to worry about.

    Obviously, check with your own doctor, but remember that, in losing weight, your body is doing something very unusual and it hates the change, so it's quite expected to see unexpected changes.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    If you get a (blood test) pregnancy test and it's negative. Still follow up with GYN. Because it could be other things that need attention. It doesn't mean it has to be frightening things.

    It could be you need your pills ajusted with weight loss/body changes. I was severly stressed and had to go to a pretty high dose once. Hormones aside, there are other reasons you might be spotting. You were regular, you had no problems, now your spotting. Like I said before. It's good to know, so you can move on!
  • marielenrdz
    marielenrdz Posts: 52 Member
    agdeierl, I might have missed an update on this thread...but I'm curious to know how things turned out! Hope everything's okay!!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    I appreciate your concern--very sweet! :) Here's the update: I went to the ER, since no gynecologist in the area was accepting new patients until like next year. About 7 hours later, they told me I was NOT pregnant, but didn't really know exactly what was causing the symptoms. They said it was most likely a hormone fluctuation, caused by my exercise/diet plan perhaps. They said it could be (benign) ovarian cysts, but they didn't feel anything unusual during my pelvic exam. I felt emotionally a complete wreck then and still so a week later when I started my actual period. Went to acupuncture towards the end of my period and felt immensely better afterwards. I'm hoping it won't happen again this month. I actually managed to get an appointment with an actual gyno (as opposed to the male PAs I saw at the ER) tomorrow at a teaching clinic. So wish me luck!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    I should add (about the ovarian cysts thing) that I had my pap smear in August and everything was normal. After tomorrow's appointment, I'll rest easier, feeling like the gyno knows more than the ER PAs. I'll let you know if she says anything different!