Please advise what to start with

Hi, everyone!
I am Yarina from Ukraine. My goal is -20klg.
Today is my first day here. So much information. Please advise what is the most important I need to know, read, do from the start. Thank you in advance!
P.S. I would be happy to find a mentor and new friends.


  • Zardeenah
    Zardeenah Posts: 15
    I'm relatively new at this as well, so this is just what has worked for me so far.

    My first week here I started out eating what I normally ate, but measuring everything to get an idea of where I was going wrong. By the end of the week my portion sizes were much smaller as I adjusted how much I ate and stopped mindless snacking.

    Then I started making small changes, mostly by actually starting to cook my meals instead of buying something and adding cheese.
  • Yarynka
    Yarynka Posts: 8
    Thank you! Your information is useful.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member

    This is a great post for beginners to read, which includes links to other helpful posts:

    With 20kg to lose I would recommend setting your goal to lose 1 lb (0.5 kg) per week. Eat back exercise calories and you should have a reasonable calorie goal that is healthy and sustainable.
  • Yarynka
    Yarynka Posts: 8
    Karen, thank you! The post is very very useful. I found so many things for me there.