Sweet cravings



  • jtkatch
    jtkatch Posts: 186 Member
    Me again :)

    I also make vegan ice cream with fozen bananas, mixed in my cuisinart and i put in a couple of Tablespoons of PB2 (powdered peanut butter but half the calories 45 and 1.5g of fat) then I sprinkle a tsp of mini vegan chocolate chips....1/4 c after dinner is such a treat and satisfied my sweet tooth craving:)
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Just have the chocolate. Any alternative will fall short and you might end up caving and eating both when you could've just had what you wanted in the first place.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Overipe banana smashed up with undutched cocoa powder (you get more of the anti-oxidants from undutched cocoa).
  • NS81
    NS81 Posts: 192 Member
    I love chocolate and usually crave it everyday so this is what I do:

    Vega One- all in one chocolate protein powder, mix it up and then partially freeze it, then enjoy with a spoon bc the sides have frozen so you scrape them off and its like a chocolate snow cone...but good for you:) lots of protein

    Vegan chocolate pie made with silken extra firm tofu!! OMG!! If i could lick the blades off the blender I think I would...so rich and chocolaty... the only downfall...to keep it at one slice:)

    Follow me on pinterest on my Vegan board I have lots of good stuff there:)


    coming soon with lots of great recipes www.healthyandfit.guru

    I will be following you soon! Great ideas, they sound yummy! I LOVE tofu, and am always looking for new recipes, but never though about it as a dessert... Thank you!
  • jtkatch
    jtkatch Posts: 186 Member
    my pleasure for the advice

    I have lots of recipes:smile:
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    Drink hot chocolate. NOT the crap in the packets! Pull out the unsweetened cocoa powder (or melting bar), the sugar, milk, and your saucepan. Play with the recipe: add cinnamon or chili powder. Sipping a cup over a few minutes with rich smells hitting your nose from the heat will be way more satisfying then wolfing a bar. Buy high quality ingredients. The warmth can also help relax you (cramps).