help with love handles and macros!! please.

Hi everyone.

After a year of not using mfp I decided to come back and lose some weight again! I started in April and as of may 5th I had lost 4 pounds but since then I haven't lost anything! I want to lose around 10 more pounds and tighten and tone my body. Especially my stomach. My settings was on to lose 1 pound a week and they put me at 1200 calories to eat a day. Well I was feeling deprived , always hungry , so I looked up my tdee like a lot of people in the forums have said to do and various sites had me from 1700 to 1800 so I -20% and I got about 1350 and I am going to try doing that starting today. I wanna know how if my Marcos are correct though. They have me at:

Fat: 45
Protein: 68
Sodium: 2300
Sugar: 45

I'm usually good with staying within those numbers except for sugar cause I like to eat a lot of fruit. I was just wondering if those numbers are okay or if I should change them? If so, to what?

I am 120 pounds, 25 years old. I don't really have a goal weight but I set it on here to 110 and to lose 1 pound a week working out 4 days a week for 30 minutes. I am also thinking of doing the 30 day shred program.

Also, I want to get rid of those love handles! I know you can't spot reduce but if there is some type of excersis that is more effective in getting rid of them please let me know!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    Your goal should really be TDEE-10% at most.

    As for Macros typically they are set based on BF% (LBM) 1g of protien for each pound of LBM...Fats are calculated LBMx0.35, rest are carbs...

    and no there are no special exercises to spot reduce...or more effective...
  • Jessicailu
    Jessicailu Posts: 24 Member
    I went to two sites to see my tdee and they both say 1855. So -10% that's 1669. So that only puts me at a 185 deficit? Is that okay? Why should I minus 10% instead of 20? Im 5'3 btw. Didn't know if that factors into anything.

    So I should also change from 1 pound to 0.5 pounds to lose. I think I have less than 15 pounds. All I want gone is the love handles and the rest I have to tone up or else i'll have that skinny fat look. Sorry I am new to this whole thing!

    Here is what my body looks like now.

  • libertychoury
    libertychoury Posts: 57 Member
    Ok, couple things. Number 1, are you on fb? If so, join a group called IIFYM women. They will calculate numbers for you that will be accurate. There are two admins there who are great and who can assist you.
    Number 2, those fats are way too low. You are actually at a great weight already, what are your workouts like?
  • Jessicailu
    Jessicailu Posts: 24 Member
    I do 30 day shred. I have never done the program and gotten to level 3, I can barely do 2, but I can finish level 1 so I do that and then I do some tae bo. I also have done extreme shed and shred. I haven't been at it long but I am thinking of starting the whole 30 day shred program on June 1st. I will take your advice and start to follow IIFYM and ask them there. This whole thing is just so confusing. Different people give different answers and I just don't know!
  • libertychoury
    libertychoury Posts: 57 Member
    I completely understand. But the girls on that facebook group are phenomenal. They will steer you in the right direction for your goals. And depending on your workouts (which you don't have to, but I recommend lifting heavy because it will give you definition, and at your weight, you can weigh the same but be way smaller with weight lifting) they may give you calories that you would be surprised at.
    I am 148, 5'3" and I just started maintenance calories at 2015 with a macro split of 150P, 75F and 185C. I lift heavy 3 days a week (stronglifts 5x5) and HIIT 20 min twice a week.
  • Jessicailu
    Jessicailu Posts: 24 Member
    I try to lift weights. When I do 30 day shred I use water bottles though. I have 5 pound weights but I find thats to hard. I am just to weak and I need to work up to it. I asked to join the group. I hope it was the right one cause there was a couple of them . Is this the right one?
  • libertychoury
    libertychoury Posts: 57 Member
    I am at work and can't get on facebook to see, but if it was IIFYM Women with just over 8000 members, probably. Admins are Paige Vandemark and Jessica Foard and some others. I recommend if you get accepted, read all the pinned posts. This will really answer a lot of questions for you. You don't have to do weights to use iifym, but a lot of the people who do weights on iifym have insane bodies and that was what interested me from the get go.
  • JennyKCarty
    JennyKCarty Posts: 457 Member
    You have the right idea about your calorie deficit. If you are following the MFP calories, set it for 0.5lb per week. If you are doing IIFYM, 10% deficit.
    I recommend getting a food scale and weighing your portions when at home, because being accurate is very important.
    Also good idea about doing 30 Day Shred or any program with body weight exercise and eventually move up to weights.
    I have my macros set to 40% carbs, 30% fats and 30% protein. If I eat 100+grams of protein daily, I am happy.
    It'll be a slow process, but worth it!
  • JennyKCarty
    JennyKCarty Posts: 457 Member
    I completely understand. But the girls on that facebook group are phenomenal. They will steer you in the right direction for your goals. And depending on your workouts (which you don't have to, but I recommend lifting heavy because it will give you definition, and at your weight, you can weigh the same but be way smaller with weight lifting) they may give you calories that you would be surprised at.
    I am 148, 5'3" and I just started maintenance calories at 2015 with a macro split of 150P, 75F and 185C. I lift heavy 3 days a week (stronglifts 5x5) and HIIT 20 min twice a week.

    You look amazing! Way to go!!! I am checking out that facebook group too :)
  • dlkingsbury
    dlkingsbury Posts: 90 Member
    dropping just 8lbs really helped my love handles. if you can get a kettlebell, there are tons of lovehandle workouts on pinterest that i think really helped me to firm up.
  • jmangini
    jmangini Posts: 166 Member
    Hi everyone.

    After a year of not using mfp I decided to come back and lose some weight again! I started in April and as of may 5th I had lost 4 pounds but since then I haven't lost anything! I want to lose around 10 more pounds and tighten and tone my body. Especially my stomach. My settings was on to lose 1 pound a week and they put me at 1200 calories to eat a day. Well I was feeling deprived , always hungry , so I looked up my tdee like a lot of people in the forums have said to do and various sites had me from 1700 to 1800 so I -20% and I got about 1350 and I am going to try doing that starting today. I wanna know how if my Marcos are correct though. They have me at:

    Fat: 45
    Protein: 68
    Sodium: 2300
    Sugar: 45

    I'm usually good with staying within those numbers except for sugar cause I like to eat a lot of fruit. I was just wondering if those numbers are okay or if I should change them? If so, to what?

    I am 120 pounds, 25 years old. I don't really have a goal weight but I set it on here to 110 and to lose 1 pound a week working out 4 days a week for 30 minutes. I am also thinking of doing the 30 day shred program.

    Also, I want to get rid of those love handles! I know you can't spot reduce but if there is some type of excersis that is more effective in getting rid of them please let me know!

    I've had this issue my whole life. The way to get rid of them is overall fat loss. To tighten up that area, try working your whole core with things like planks, sit-ups, reverse crunches, hanging leg raises, laying leg raises etc. For specific exercises to tighten up the love handles, I like side sit-ups on a roman chair, side planks, standing weighted side bends or cable side bends. And Standing or siting roman twists. Lower back helps tighten that area as well, as in reverse sit-ups. ( I actually don't know what they're called lol)
  • Jessicailu
    Jessicailu Posts: 24 Member
    I recommend getting a food scale and weighing your portions when at home, because being accurate is very important.

    ^ This. i am sure when I make my dinners the calories aren't always exact. I usually put in my recipe and it tells me how many calories in servings but I know after you cook it the calories might change. I just moved to a small town and looking for work so cant get a food scale right now, but definitely something I will get when I start getting the money in.
    To tighten up that area, try working your whole core with things like planks, sit-ups, reverse crunches, hanging leg raises, laying leg raises etc. For specific exercises to tighten up the love handles, I like side sit-ups on a roman chair, side planks, standing weighted side bends or cable side bends. And Standing or siting roman twists. Lower back helps tighten that area as well, as in reverse sit-ups. ( I actually don't know what they're called lol)

    I actually do a few of those. 30 day shred has a lot of those moves. Especially with the planks! I hate planks but know they are worth doing! Thanks for the advice!
  • libertychoury
    libertychoury Posts: 57 Member
    Yes! You will find that they are very supportive and will help you find so many answers to IIFYM, as well as give you recipe and workout ideas and goals!
  • libertychoury
    libertychoury Posts: 57 Member
    I completely understand. But the girls on that facebook group are phenomenal. They will steer you in the right direction for your goals. And depending on your workouts (which you don't have to, but I recommend lifting heavy because it will give you definition, and at your weight, you can weigh the same but be way smaller with weight lifting) they may give you calories that you would be surprised at.
    I am 148, 5'3" and I just started maintenance calories at 2015 with a macro split of 150P, 75F and 185C. I lift heavy 3 days a week (stronglifts 5x5) and HIIT 20 min twice a week.

    You look amazing! Way to go!!! I am checking out that facebook group too :)
    my above comment was to you, sorry, and thank you for the compliment!
  • libertychoury
    libertychoury Posts: 57 Member
    To the OP, yes measure ALL YOUR FOOD. Oh man, this was so hard to learn for me. I thought a tablespoon was a tablespoon but oh my what an unfortunate thing to learn of the discrepancies!
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    As long as you're satisfied and you can easily build meals you like within those macros, they're good. You may want to increase your protein a bit if that fits into your lifestyle. However, you should really be eating a smaller deficit for the amount of fat you have to lose and you should reset to lose only 0.5lb a week. This will be easier and safer for you, and you'll retain more lean mass.

    If you feel "skinny fat" and you want to get rid of your love handles, than what you're looking to do is decrease your body fat percentage.

    You are very close to a good weight for your height, and it might be time for you to think about gaining muscle instead of losing fat. Women who have that "toned" look you want go through a few bulking and cutting cycles to decrease their BF% by increasing muscle mass. If the thought of heavy lifting and gaining weight doesn't appeal to you, you may want to reconsider your expectations for how you will look.

    And using water bottles and 5lb weights does not count as heavy lifting! Since you said you feel like you're too "weak" for more weight than that, I'd recommend lifting even more strongly. Heavy is relative, and you'll never get stronger if you don't reach for that 3-8 rep range.
  • Jessicailu
    Jessicailu Posts: 24 Member
    What is bulking and cutting? Do I need a specific diet for it? I don't need to be ripped, I don't need a 6 pack. I dont want to look like a body builder, I just want a nice flat tummy and no love handles. I just want to be toned. And I am going to start using my 5 lbs weight. I wouldn't be able to go any higher than that right now.

    I did reset to lose 0.5 lbs a week. My fat intake is the same. My calories now is 1320.

    This is where I want to be

  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    I have the same goal, and have been told to strength train, eat a small deficit and be patient. Good luck!
  • Jessicailu
    Jessicailu Posts: 24 Member
    So I joined the IIFYM group on facebook and people on there are telling me I dont need to lose weight. I need maintenance and then to heavy lift for body re-composition. I went to their site and this is the macros I got.

    Calories: 1732
    Carbs: 205
    Protein: 120
    Fat: 48

    How do you heavy lift when you don't have access to gym? I only own 5lb weights and I cant afford to buy any until I get a job and the first thing I need to get is a good food scale! Any advice on this? Do those macros sound okay?
  • jmangini
    jmangini Posts: 166 Member
    So I joined the IIFYM group on facebook and people on there are telling me I dont need to lose weight. I need maintenance and then to heavy lift for body re-composition. I went to their site and this is the macros I got.

    Calories: 1732
    Carbs: 205
    Protein: 120
    Fat: 48

    How do you heavy lift when you don't have access to gym? I only own 5lb weights and I cant afford to buy any until I get a job and the first thing I need to get is a good food scale! Any advice on this? Do those macros sound okay?
    do some research on Jason Stathems body weight routines. He was always fascinated with how muscular prisoners were working out in their cells and started body weight training. Here's an excerpt from an article I read on him several years ago in Men's Health.

    For explosiveness and reflexes, Statham has always used plyometrics. A fast, hard circuit requires no equipment. "I'll jump rope, then do squat thrusts, burpees [squat thrusts in which you leap instead of standing up], star jumps [from a crouch, jump up and spread your arms and legs into a star, and come back down into a crouch], pushups, tuck jumps [jump, lift legs, tuck], stepups." The key is explosive execution: "If I'm doing a pushup, I go down slowly and, bang, push up."