Afraid to step back on the scale

Hi everyone,

I've been on MFP a while, and in using it, I managed to lose about 25lbs last year. However, for some reason I hit a plateau in November and my weight has not budged at all. I went to the gym several times a week and really tried to eat better, but the scale did not move. At all. Eventually in February I kind of gave up and just thought that I am one of those people who just can't lose weight.

I'm ready to try it again. I've been walking almost everyday and really trying to eat better, but I'm afraid to step on the scale. Usually it is a motivator for me, but for some reason I just can't come to terms with getting on. I can't imagine I've gained a ton since all my clothes still fit fine, but I'm afraid!!!!

What can I do to get on the scale and be OK with whatever number I see?
