Not eating enough calories part 2!

Okay, since my last post I've been eating more. WAY MORE! Thank you everyone who told me I need to pack in more calories!

I basically doubled everything. I eat 4 eggs in the morning now verses my 2. I still do my veggies at lunch but I added some pasta etc. I get my 1200 a day.

But heres the thing, I feel like CRAP! I am so full all the time. I can hardly motivate myself to move. I know I sound totally ignorant, lol. But its true! How can I exercise when all I feel like doing is barfing?


  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Know when you're going to train, eat an hour or two beforehand, or however long you need to digest. Or just eat when you're done if you can handle fasted training (empty stomach training).
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Okay, since my last post I've been eating more. WAY MORE! Thank you everyone who told me I need to pack in more calories!

    I basically doubled everything. I eat 4 eggs in the morning now verses my 2. I still do my veggies at lunch but I added some pasta etc. I get my 1200 a day.

    But heres the thing, I feel like CRAP! I am so full all the time. I can hardly motivate myself to move. I know I sound totally ignorant, lol. But its true! How can I exercise when all I feel like doing is barfing?

    I think you need to think about and plan your food intake to make it a sustainable and healthy one. Even though eggs have a lot of beneficial protein and good fat, I don't know if it is such a good idea to eat four eggs for breakfast, unless you are an athlete and then eat what basically amounts to non-nutritious carbs in the form of pasta. Eating 1200 mostly healthy calories takes some ( but not much ) knowledge of nutrition and some planning.
    It would help if you opened your food diary.....but you know that from other threads you started. It also helps to just concentrate on one thing at a the moment your attention to weight loss seems to be all over the place, judging from your many threads.
  • ksparkby
    ksparkby Posts: 28
    Okay, since my last post I've been eating more. WAY MORE! Thank you everyone who told me I need to pack in more calories!

    I basically doubled everything. I eat 4 eggs in the morning now verses my 2. I still do my veggies at lunch but I added some pasta etc. I get my 1200 a day.

    But heres the thing, I feel like CRAP! I am so full all the time. I can hardly motivate myself to move. I know I sound totally ignorant, lol. But its true! How can I exercise when all I feel like doing is barfing?

    I think you need to think about and plan your food intake to make it a sustainable and healthy one. Even though eggs have a lot of beneficial protein and good fat, I don't know if it is such a good idea to eat four eggs for breakfast, unless you are an athlete and then eat what basically amounts to non-nutritious carbs in the form of pasta. Eating 1200 mostly healthy calories takes some ( but not much ) knowledge of nutrition and some planning.
    It would help if you opened your food diary.....but you know that from other threads you started. It also helps to just concentrate on one thing at a the moment your attention to weight loss seems to be all over the place, judging from your many threads.

    Everyone else seemed to think 2 eggs wasnt enough! Which is better..more or less?
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Okay, since my last post I've been eating more. WAY MORE! Thank you everyone who told me I need to pack in more calories!

    I basically doubled everything. I eat 4 eggs in the morning now verses my 2. I still do my veggies at lunch but I added some pasta etc. I get my 1200 a day.

    But heres the thing, I feel like CRAP! I am so full all the time. I can hardly motivate myself to move. I know I sound totally ignorant, lol. But its true! How can I exercise when all I feel like doing is barfing?

    I have a hard time exercising after pasta too. I rarely eat pasta, but that's a personal choice, nothing to do with anything. Pasta is a good choice.

    I eat my eggs by lunch time and since my workout is around 6 they are no longer a bother. I try not to eat for an hour prior to hitting the gym and what i do eat is something small or light. Like a carrot or PM on apple slices. (actually that sounds good haven't done that in awhile)

    If you are too stuffed to work out, try eating less of more calorie dense food Like PB.
  • ublanchard
    ublanchard Posts: 47
    Maybe try foods that are low-volume/calorically dense like a moderate portion of full fat yogurt, nut butters, even dark chocolate. I see from your other questions that you don't like meat and 1200 calories a day in mostly veggies would make most people feel bloated. So you probably have to schedule your meals in a way that minimizes the over-full feeling of all that fiber by the time you workout. If you workout in the evening, can you front-load your calories on the day so you've digested enough by then? Or can you work out first thing in the morning, before your stomach gets full?