Glute Bridge help

I want to try the barbell glute bridge exercise because my butt needs some serious help. BUT I'm new to weightlifting and I'm not sure what weight to start at. I'm not sure if I am strong enough to use weights that are big enough to raise the bar to a point that I can slide my legs/hips under it. To give you an idea of my strength abilities... I just started squatting last week. I currently squat 45 lbs (just the bar) for 5 sets of 5-7 reps. I also deadlift (stiff leg) 50 lbs for 5 sets of 10. For my deadlifts I use the "pre made" barbells similar to these:

Doing pelvic thrusts on floor of a busy gym is pretty intimidating..I feel like I need to have all the logistics figured out before I try it. I've never seen anyone at my gym perform this exercise.

Any advice..success stories?


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    use the prefixed barbells you should be able to manipulate them into place without to much trouble- try that first- they usually go up to 100+.

    And also- don't forget you are stronger than you think. I saw a girl doing them the other day doing them- and I think she only had the 40 on there- I really wanted to go put her under the bar with the 45's on there (so total 135). She was not small- not over weight- but thick and tall- I have no question in my mind she could have lifted it- her body weight alone was 150+... if you can get up off the floor - you should be able to push 100+ pounds with the bar bell.

    but if you are new to doing them- try the fixed ones first- then on a less busy day- do them with the full barbell.

    I actually drag a bench over to the squat rack to do them- there isn' a convient place to do them without being weird- the bench- and other barbells are in a weird place- so I feel like just continuing my leg work by the squat rack makes sense.

    As for the fact it's just a weird thing- start pushing the weight around- and realize your butt is stronger than you think- and let me tell you- people do not give you crap when you are pushing almost 200 pounds with your butt. I have had big huge guys tell me that they are going to start doing them because they can see the work and results and how hard it is.

    it only looks ridiculous air humping 25 pound plate weights. Put some weight on there and push. LOL

    Check Bret Contre's site- the glute guy-he has some great video's on it- actually watch his glute raise rack promo videos (so ridiculous) but shows some great variations.
  • Chaskavitch
    Chaskavitch Posts: 172 Member
    Are you wanting to do glute bridges or hip thrusts? The only difference is that with glute bridges, your shoulders are on the floor, and with hip thrusts, they're on a bench or something so your torso is parallel to the floor. If you're using weights, you should do the hip thrusts, just because you're less likely to have the weight roll onto your head :)

    I just started doing these, and I can do 3x10 with 115 lbs pretty easily (although, for reference, I can squat 135 for 3x10, so I should probably up my weight). I started there because the 35# plates bring the bar up high enough to roll up over my thighs :) I put the foam pad that people use for squats on the bar, because otherwise it bruises my hip bones, but other than that, just go for it! I can already see a little bit of difference. I second the Bret Contre site, it is good, especially since you said you want to figure it out before you do it in the gym.
  • glitterkelly
    glitterkelly Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks so much! I'm going to check out his site.
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    The preweighted bars arent high enough to roll up over legs and once im on the ground i have a hard time lifting more than 40 lbs up and over hips. Can you explain how it works in squat rack dragging the bench in there. I never see anyone doing them and i feel really self conscious as it is and i agree it would at least be more impressive loading up on weights.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I've used the preloaded barbells, but only if my friend is there to help me lift it as it is very awkward.

    I have used the Smith machine for it before though, and that actually works pretty good and you can control it. I love glute bridges, they burn!