Low (or no carb) breakfast I can take to work



  • raven5131
    I just started making crustless mini spinach quiches that I bake in a muffin pan, One or two little quiche muffins and bacon work for me. Here is the recipe I use. I change the ingredients. Sometimes I use ham and even one time used crab meat. Play with it to reduce the monotony. I am going to try it next without spinach. Love em! I was not in the habit of eating breakfast so I pop a couple to these in a container and put them in the fridge when I get to work. I eat the bacon right away and microwave the quiche when I get ready. I also have a protein shake in the morning. I started doing this because I have a hard time getting enough calories in every day. I put the quiche recipe in my recipes and they end up being about 1.5 carbs each.

    Breakfast Quiche Muffins.

    6 large eggs
    1/2 cup chopped green onions
    1.5 cups chopped fresh spinach
    2 tbsp heavy whipping crean
    1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
    2 sausage patties chopped

    Pre heat oven to 350 degrees. Toss all ingredients into a mixing bowl, whip with whisk. Spray a muffin tin with non stick spray (I find that silcone muffin "tin" works best, do not use paper cups), use an ice cream scooper if you have one to dole mix into muffin cups. Bake for 25 minutes.

    Makes 1 dozen large muffins or 2 dozen mini muffins.

    *This is an easy recipe to play with, you can switch out sausage for bacon, shrimp, turkey or no meat at all, use a different type of cheese, or add peppers or salsa. The eggs and whipping cream are the base, the rest is up to your personal taste.

    Number of Servings: 12
  • katerinab
    katerinab Posts: 107
    My favorite breakfast is an egg mug omelette. You take a coffee mug, put some eggs and your prefered addons in there, toss it in the microwave, stir, microwave until set, and voila! All you would need to do is put the ingredients in a small tupperware-type container and pour it into your mug when you get to work.

    My favorite combination is:

    1/2 cup egg beaters (30cal, 0 fat, 1 carb per 1/4 cup serving)
    1/3 cup Jimmy Dean precooked turkey crumbles (find them in the meat dept near the bacon - 80 cal, 4 fat, 2 carbs per 2/3 cup serving)
    1 wedge Laughing Cow Light swiss cheese (35 cal, 2 fat, 1 carb per wedge)

    for a total of 135 carb, 4 carbs, 4 fat, and it's a BIG portion. You could put anything in the mug, though - just be sure to adjust the cooking time to make up for the extra goodies.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I like yogurt and fruit as well...however, these are both high carbs items. :flowerforyou: Instead of yogurt, you might want to try some low fat cottage cheese or fat free ricotta cheese instead. If you have some strawberries (low GI carbs) and some nuts on top, it's really good. I don't think a lot of people realize how many carbs are in yogurt, even the plain unsweetened no sugar added kinds. It's really good for you, but since you are looking for lower or no carbs................

    :O I cant believe I never knew that yoghurt is high carb! oops :embarassed:
    good idea with the nuts!

    If you purchase plain yogurt (a good organic one) it is higher in protein and much lower in carbs. I eat the Fage Full Fat Plain and 1 cup has 7 grams of carbs. Handful of blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and a splash of vanilla has a creamy, rich, and very filling breakfast for about 12 or 13 grams of carbs.